Page 33 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 33


                                                                                KAI is the only domestic aircraft
                                                                                manufacturer and total system
                                                                                integrator in Korea

        maintenance, is the right partner to   provides life cycle support for its products.   respectively, by 2018.
        help us transition successfully to the   Based  in  Sacheon,  South  Korea,  the   There  are several factors that  drive
        commercial side of the business,” said   company develops basic, intermediate,   the  growth  of  the  Commercial  Aircraft
        Sung Yong-Ha, CEO of KAI.           and  advanced  trainer  aircraft  for  Manufacturing  market in South Korea.
           “This agreement with KAI is part of   fighter  pilot  training;  helicopters  for  air   Growth in air passenger traffic is expected
        AAR’s efforts to further expand our reach   transportation of troops to the armed   to boost the growth of the Commercial
        in emerging markets such as Africa, the   forces; UAV, an unmanned air vehicle   Aircraft Manufacturing market in the
        Middle  East  and  Asia-Pacific,”  said  AAR   for maritime operations; and small civil   country.  Increasing  government  support
        Aviation Services COO John Holmes. “We   air vehicles for leisure, industry, and   and foreign investments in the aviation
        are excited to partner with Korea’s premier   flight training. It also provides various   sector in South Korea are also expected
        military aerospace maintenance provider   aero structures for a range of Airbus   to fuel the growth in domestic aircraft
        to help the organization streamline its   and Boeing commercial aircrafts; and   manufacturing activities in the country.
        operations, reduce costs and expand   upgrades and modifies existing aircraft for   In addition, the increase in airport
        service across South Korea.”        performance enhancement. In addition,   infrastructure development initiatives
           AAR was named Best Airframe MRO   the company provides aircraft MRO and   undertaken by the government would lead
        Provider  Worldwide  by  ATE&M,  its  third   ground based training systems for pilots   to more demand for commercial aircraft
        award in four years. AAR’s global network   and maintenance crews, and is involved   in South Korea.
        of warehouses servicing customers’   in the development of multi-purpose   “South Korea is a potential market for
        supply chain needs are located in Chicago,   satellites and related core parts, as well   the manufacture of commercial aircraft
        Singapore, Amsterdam and Hannover,   as in the satellite launching business.  parts and MRO services. Currently,
        Germany, with a new hub in Brussels    The      Commercial     Aircraft  there is no company in South Korea that
        now serving Europe, the Middle East and   Manufacturing market in South Korea is   completely manufactures commercial
        Africa. The Company serves customers in   expected  to witness  high growth  in the   aircraft, thus the country relies on the
        more than 100 countries from sales and   coming years.                  import of commercial aircraft from other
        service offices around the world.      According to analysts, the commercial   countries such as the U.S. and the U.K.
           KAI is the only domestic aircraft   aircraft parts manufacturing market in   However, there are some vendors in South
        manufacturer and total system integrator   South Korea and MRO  market in  South   Korea that manufacture commercial
        in Korea. It designs and assembles world-  Korea  are expected  to  reach  US$1,541.9   aircraft  parts for  Airbus SAS and the
        class aircraft and satellite systems and   million  and  US$1,343.6  million,  Boeing Co.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                            SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2015  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  33
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