Page 36 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 36


        INduSTRy NEWS ANd uPdATES

                                                                                SriLankan Airlines First to
                                                                                Offer Thales InFlyt Experience
                                                                                SriLankan  Airlines  has  become  the
                                                                                first  airline  in  the  world  to  have
                                                                                its airplanes fly with the Thales
                                                                                AVANT    In-flight  entertainment
                                                                                and  connectivity  system  with  an
                                                                                application  delivering  Live  News  &
                                                                                Weather. The world first capability will
                                                                                be enabled through Thales’ AVANT IFE
          H225 Training at CAE’s Oslo Training Centre                           solution on four A330-200s that are in
          CAE has announced that its Airbus   simulator reaffirms Airbus Helicopters’   service with the airline.
          Helicopters H225 full-flight simulator   efforts towards enhancing flight safety   SriLankan  Airlines,  Director/
          (FFS) at Oslo in Norway, is now ready for   in the particularly harsh environment   Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Rakhita
          training. The FFS has already received   encountered in the North Sea.”   Jayawardena  said,  “Our  new  A330
          European  Aviation  Safety  Agency   The H225 training Centre is located   aircraft is designed every way to suit
          (EASA) Level D certification. CAE’s Oslo   next to Oslo’s Gardermoen Airport. The   the needs of the modern-day traveler.
          training  centre  will  also  become  an   CAE 3000 Series FFS is equipped with a   With this full featured aircraft, we are
          Airbus Helicopters Approved Simulation   CAE Tropos 6000 visual system. The use   aiming to provide a greater customer
          Centre later this year.           of the original Airbus Helicopters data   experience. Last year, SriLankan’s
             “We are proud to partner with   package, allows for an unprecedented   new A330 fleet became the launch
          Airbus Helicopters to bring the first   level of realism in pilot mission training.   customer for the latest Thales Avant
          high-fidelity H225 training solution to   A variety of training opportunities   in-flight entertainment system. Today,
          the Scandinavian market,” said Nick   ranging from initial and recurrent   we are marking another first with
          Leontidis, CAE’s Group President, Civil   training, to mission specific training for   Thales, by offering Thales Avant Live
          Aviation Training Solutions. customers   offshore oil and gas, search and rescue   News and Weather.”
          worldwide.” Matthieu Louvot, Airbus   (SAR) and military operating profiles will
          Helicopters  Senior  Vice  President  be available to customers at the Oslo
          Support  &  Services  said,  “This  new   training centre.            Second A330 Landing Gear
                                                                                Performed by AMECO
                                                                                The  first  MRO  provider  in  China  to
          FEC Heliports Plans Helipad Projects in Africa, Middle East           perform  A330  landing  gear  overhaul,
          FEC Heliports will undertake two major   will have a maximum take-off  weight   Ameco has announced the completion
          helipad projects, one in Ghana and   capacity of 11.0 tonnes.         of troubleshooting on an A330 landing
          the other in the United Arab Emirates   The helipad project in the UAE,   gear belonging to a Chinese domestic
          (UAE), the firm announced at Helitech.   involves the design, supply and build of   customer. The work was completed at the
          The project in  Ghana will  see FEC   three helipads to be used by helicopters   end of August and was the 2nd such repair
          undertake the design, manufacture and   belonging to the police and emergency   performed by Ameco. The Maintenance,
          supply of a 21.0m x 18.3m aluminum   services and will be located at three Dubai   Repair, Overhaul (MRO) provider received
          rooftop elevated helipad for the newly   Metro main depots. The three helipads   the  requisite  approvals  from  FAA,
          constructed  UNICON  Hospital  in  will accept Agusta Westland 109, 139, 169   CAAC  and  EASA  last  year.  Ameco  also
          Takoradi.  It will  be the first  aluminum   and 412 rotorcraft. Project completion is   undertakes servicing of Airbus A320/321
          roof-top helipad in Ghana. The helipad   expected in December 2015.   and Boeing 737NG/747 airplanes.

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