Page 38 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 38


                         Under Pressure

                         Airlines alone cannot be made to bear the burden on what is considered a systemic
                         responsibility to address

                                                                                alternative to options such as emissions
                                                                                trading,  charges  or  any  other  form  of
                                                                                financial  disincentive.  Notwithstanding,
                                                                                consideration  of MBOs  should be based
                                                                                on sound practical judgement recognising
                                                                                the principles of equity and flexibility
                                                                                through proper cost benefit analysis.
                                                                                Airlines alone cannot be made to bear the
                                                                                burden on what is considered a systemic
                                                                                responsibility to address emissions.

                                                                                AAPA aims to continually promote and
                                                                                enhance the role of aviation in the region
                                                                                recognising the significant contribution
                                                                                aviation  can  make  to  long-term
                                                                                sustainable growth aimed at balancing
        RECOGNISING    ThE   RELATIONShIP   role which aviation plays  in  economic   economic prosperity, social responsibility
        between aviation and the environment,   development in the region.      and environmental conservation.
        AAPA strives to continually consider
        solutions to mitigate the environmental   Key issues currently addressed by AAPA   •Night Flight Restrictions
        impacts. Environmental impacts are seen as   are as follows:            The implementation of noise mitigation
        systemic beyond the control of the operators.                           measures should not be taken in isolation
        Inefficient  management  of  airspace,  •Climate Change                 from other complementary measures or
        restrictive operational procedures and   AAPA recognises that climate change   alternate means. Night flying restrictions
        inadequate infrastructure can inadvertently   is a major challenge facing society as a   are  not  a  viable  solution  taking  to
        offset the investments by airlines to mitigate   whole. Mitigating the effects of climate   consideration the operation profiles
        its effects on the environment.     change is a responsibility that must be   of certain flights due to scheduling
           AAPA aims to promote and enhance   borne by all elements of society and   and capacity constraints at destination
        the role of aviation in the region in view   industry. Despite significant strides by   airports, which are beyond the control of
        of the significant contribution aviation   air transport over the last three decades   the  operator.  Recognising  the  potential
        can make to long-term sustainable   to improve fuel efficiency by 70%, this is   impact on its member airline operations,
        growth aimed at balancing economic   only accepted as a historical norm and   AAPA actively seeks out, engages and
        prosperity, social responsibility and   the industry remains under political   responds to regulatory initiatives at the
        environmental conservation.         pressure to accomplish more.        international and regional level. AAPA
           AAPA actively engages in dialogue                                    works closely with its member airlines
        and works with industry stakeholders   •Policy on Emissions             and other stakeholders to coordinate and
        to lobby for a more coherent global   AAPA seeks to promote market-based   formulate appropriate responses.
        approach to issues regarding climate   options (MBOs) such as new/improved
        change, and promulgate a better level   technology  and  enhancements  to  Andrew Herdman is the Director General
        of understanding of the important   infrastructure and procedure as an   of Association of Asia Pacific Airlines

        AAPA aims to promote and enhance the role of aviation
        in the region in view of the significant contribution
        aviation can make to long-term sustainable growth

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