Page 11 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 11


           “So there’s only a certain amount of room   notch business class, with Qantas in second   will not go as far as Etihad’s but will be a step
        to  manoeuvre  between  being  sufficiently   place for premium economy,” says Flynn.  up for the current offering which is superb and
        better than economy – enough to warrant   Air New Zealand is tops in Premium   “commercially viable” according to Emirates
        the extra price tag – while staying well   Economy, according to   taking a not subtle dig at its UAE cousins.
        south of the pointy end. Premium economy   editors in their 2016 awards and the airline   And that is the key. Etihad’s First Class is
        will  continue  to  be  about  the  legroom,   has previously won its Best Business Class   on a handful of A380s only whereas Emirates
        the recline, the wider seats and larger IFE   for the ratings site. In fact Air New Zealand   has 70 with 70 more coming and whatever the
        screens and AC/USB sockets, plus extras   has a cabinet full of awards for its inflight   airline does has to make economic sense.
        like  meals  drawn  from  the  business  class   product including Economy Class.  Sheikh  Majid  Al  Mualla,  Emirates’
        menu selection, amenity kits and of course   And Flynn notes that there is a raft of   divisional senior vice president of commercial
        little touches like the champagne on take-off.   launches due this year in the business class   operations for the Middle East told Traveller.
        Airlines may need to give some ground on   space from Cathay Pacific’s refreshed last year that the new product would
        formerly premium-only perks such as airport   A350 business class to Qatar’s much-  debut in the A380 and then the 777.
        lounge access,” suggests Flynn.     hyped ‘super business class’, and both of   The  airline  had  hoped  to  unveil  the
                                            those will be ones to watch.        product late last year but that has slipped
        So Who is Best in Class?               With the introduction of more private   into the first quarter of the year.
        Flynn gives top marks to Singapore Airlines   business class flat beds the last important   According to Al Mualla the pricing will
        and  Qatar  Airways  and  says  their  Business   advantage of First Class is disappearing and   be “almost the same pricing and it should be
        Class seats or beds are arguably as good as   only the name sets it apart. The exception   more commercially viable for passengers.”
        some first class seats, “and demonstrably   is Etihad Airways with its First Class suites   And that is the difficult bit – giving
        better than most first class seats of 10+   and of course  the unique three-room   premium passengers more for less in a
        years ago.”                         Apartment.                          challenging financial climate.
           “I’d rate Singapore Airlines  as having   What will set the trend for the future is   With most Business Class beds now flat
        the world’s best business class, in its latest   how Emirates responds as it is the world’s   and Premium economy in an ideal space, the
        Boeing 777-300ER products, and the world’s   largest  international  airline and  has the   innovation challenge for airlines may come
        best premium economy. Cathay Pacific, Qatar   largest First Class equipped fleet.  down to the little extras that can’t be counted
        Airways and Etihad Airways also have top-  The expectation is the First Class product   rather than the things that can.
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