Page 15 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
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        ram air exhaust system associated with the   has done this in spectacular fashion with the   The new winglet reduced fuel burn by up
        left and right air-conditioning packs was   787 inspired Sky Interior introduced in 2010.   to 1.8% and the aircraft has a 40% smaller
        added. Most of the 2011 PIP is retrofitable.  The treatment included modern sculpted   community noise footprint and is 50% below
           Split Scimitar winglets were the next   sidewalls and window reveals, LED lighting   CAEP/6 limits for NOx.
        aerodynamic improvement and became   and much larger pivoting overhead stowage   Across the Atlantic the A320 has made
        available from 2014. Developed by Aviation   bins. An option on the NG – and standard on   Airbus a household name and is the world’s
        Partners  the Split Scimitar  winglets  give   the MAX – almost 90% of customers are   best-selling commercial aircraft since it was
        a 2% fuel saving improvement on top of   specifying Sky Interior.       launched, albeit by a fine margin.
        the  blended  winglet’s  3  to  4%.  Southwest   And late last year Boeing introduced   It is very sobering to think that the Airbus
        Airlines was the first customer to fly the   Space  Bins  on the  737 that  increase  bag   A320 has chalked up more sales – 12,411 – than
        sporting addition to the 737 on April 14, 2014.  capacity by almost 50%. On the 737-800 the   every  other  European  commercial  aircraft
           Another  major  stride  was  the  number of standard roll away bags that can   combined plus every commercial model
        development of the 737-900ER in 2007 for   be stowed overhead jumps from 118 to 178   built by the once market leader Douglas and
        Lion Air. Boeing added a flat aft pressure   and on the -900 132 to 198. Space bins are   McDonnell Douglas (excluding C-47s).
        bulkhead, dual position tailskid, standard type   available as a refit.   Right aircraft and the right time would be
        2 exit doors, the short field enhancements   The MAX takes the 737 to an entirely   a far too simple and unfair explanation and
        developed in 2004, strengthened the   new level. The MAX has a fuel burn rate 20%   deprive Airbus of the acknowledgement of
        fuselage, wing box and centre section and   lower than the original 737NG and 14% lower   the enormous work it has put into making the
        added an option two auxiliary fuel tanks to   than the current model which has the various   A320 the winner that it is.
        produce the ultimate model in the NG family.   2001, 2008 and 2011 improvement packages.    One fact possibly best sums up the
           The changes lifted the exit limit seat   Changes relative to the 737NG are   A320’s success when on its 25th anniversary
        count by 31. MTOW jumped from 174,200lbs   numerous and include: aerodynamic clean up;   then Head of the A320 programme – and now
        to 187,700lbs and range went out to 3,205nm   advanced flight deck and display systems;   Airbus advisor – Daniel Baubil told Flight
        (5,935km) with 180 passengers.      advanced technology winglets; CFM LEAP-  International that “more than 80% of the
           Improving the 737 has also been about   1B engine; Onboard Network System and Sky   equipment on the A320 has been redesigned
        giving  the  interior  a  makeover  and  Boeing   Interior with larger bins.   at least once.”

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