Page 16 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 16


           And he added that over 100 separate   year  in  the  A320ceo  alone,  protecting  that   International Aero Engines with 13 models of
        pieces of equipment have been redesigned   technological lead.          the CFM56-5 series engine and six variants
        alone since 2006. Not that it needed to be.   “There is no question we had the baseline   of the V2500 to match the four models of the
        The drive to better the A320 for its customers   right from the start,” said A320 Family   A320 family.
        and to keep ahead of the competition has   Marketing  Director  Arnaud  Demeusois  last   Broadly the engine makers have grown the
        been  the catalyst  for  a  relentless  focus  on   year. “The A320ceo entered service with 68   thrust by more than 30% and decreased fuel
        improvement that has kept the A320 as the   tonnes  MTOW, and  a corresponding range   burn by 4.5 to 5% on the A320ceo since EIS.
        world’s best seller.                of 1,800nm (3,333km) and today we get up   The dramatic Sharklet was launched
           The A320 started out well ahead of the   to 78 tonnes MTOW, which when added to   at the 2009 Dubai Air Show with Air New
        pack and it needed to as the competition – 737   other improvements translates into 3,300nm   Zealand the launch customer. At the
        Classic series and the MD80 series – were well   (6,111km) range.”      handover of  the first  Sharklet equipped
        entrenched, well understood and well liked.   On the A321ceo Demeusois says it   A320  on  December  21st,  2012  Airbus  Chief
           The A320 brought together all the lessons   entered service with 83 tonnes MTOW with   Operating  Officer-Customers  said  that  the
        of past commercial mistakes of under-sizing   a 2,200nm (4,074km) maximum passenger   2.4m tall Sharklet would “deliver a fuel burn
        and combined them with a giant leap to be   range with our typical performance rules.   reduction of 4%.”
        the first commercial aircraft with digital   “Today, the A321ceo offers 93.5 tonnes   Demeusois says the Sharklet adds either
        fly-by-wire. Then president of Airbus Roger   MTOW.  With the benefits of sharklets   around 100nm (186km) more range or an
        Béteille told Flight International, “perhaps we   and other fuel burn reduction features   increased payload capability of up to 450kg
        were too bold – we had no choice. Either we   mentioned, the corresponding maximum   (992lbs). In 2013 Airbus launched a retrofit
        were going to be first with new technologies   passenger range is 3,200nm (5,926km).”  programme to be available from 2015.
        or we could not expect to be in the market.”  Robust partners for Airbus have been   Reliability of the A320 has also crept up
           Now Airbus invests €300 million a   the engine suppliers CFM International and   from 99% for the initial 1,000 airframes to
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