Page 38 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 38



                                                                                Boeing Receives Air China 777-
                                                                                300ER Order
                                                                                Air  China has  placed  orders  for  six  more
                                                                                Boeing 777-300ER (Extended Range)
                                                                                widebody jetliners worth an estimated $2
                                                                                billion at list prices. With the latest order,
          BOC Aviation Order’s 30 A320 Family Jetliners                         the Chinese  carrier  is now  waiting for
          Global aircraft lessor, BOC Aviation   Managing Director and Chief Executive   delivery of 90 Boeing aircraft including an
          placed orders  for 30 Airbus A320 family   Officer of BOC Aviation. “BOC Aviation is   order for the 787-9 Dreamliner.
          aircraft at the end of December, spread   a leading lessor based in a fast-growing   Improvements planned by Boeing for its
          across 18 A320 NEO family and 12 A320   part of the world, and its latest order   777-300ER fleet this year, will further increase
          CEO family aircraft.   The latest order   not only demonstrates its continued   the type’s fuel efficiency by an additional
          makes BOC Aviation one of the top 10   confidence in our product for its airline   two percent. Ihssane Mounir, senior vice
          customers. “This order underscores our   customers  but  recognizes  the  A320  as   president, Northeast Asia Sales, Boeing
          continued confidence in the reliability   a sound financial  asset in its portfolio,”   Commercial Airplanes, said “The 777-300ER
          and operational efficiency of the A320   said  John  Leahy,  Airbus  Chief  Operating   has consistently proved its value as a long-
          family aircraft, and reflects its popularity   Officer, Customers. BOC Aviation retains   haul flagship for our customers around the
          among our customers for short- and   commitments to acquire 241 aircraft as of   world, making it the preferred choice for Air
          medium-haul routes,” said Robert Martin,   December, 2015.            China’s international expansion.” Air China
                                                                                operates nearly all current in-production
                                            further increases the deployment of ARINC   Boeing single-aisle and twin-aisle jetliners
                                            common use passenger  processing and   are part of its 174 aircraft fleet, including the
                                            ARINC self-service kiosks throughout the   Next-Generation 737, 747-8 Intercontinental
                                            airport, will allow faster check-in times   as well as 777-300ERs.
                                            for travellers  at the  airport.  “Narita is
                                            Japan’s second busiest airport,  serving
                                            35.5 million travellers each year,” said Paul   Second VVIP Boeing 747-8
                                            Hickox, head of Airport Systems Sales for   Delivered by Lufthansa Technik
                                            Rockwell Collins. “Passengers using these   The  VVIP cabin conversion work by
                                            critical systems will have an easier travel   Lufthansa  Technik at its Completion
                                            experience and airports will have more   Center in Hamburg on a second Boeing
          Narita International Airport      efficient operations.”              747-8 has been completed and the aircraft
          and Rockwell Collins Enhance         NRT will also make greater use   delivered to an undisclosed customer. The
          Partnership                       of Rockwell Collins’ ARINC Managed   company is currently performing work
          Rockwell Collins has announced that   Services (AMS) to include IT support for   on another 747-8. As part of the cabin
          Japan’s Narita International Airport (NRT),   the ARINC passenger processing systems   conversion work performed by Lufthansa
          which is the primary airport servicing   and related technologies.  With this   Technik, there is a 440 square meter cabin
          Greater  Tokyo, has renewed its existing   expansion, Rockwell Collins now provides   with integrated cabin management and on-
          contract for Rockwell Collins’ ARINC   IT managed services for the airport’s   board entertainment system. “The delivery
          vMUSE and ARINC SelfServ Kiosks in   three main terminals. NRT which is one   of this second 747-8 is another milestone
          Terminal 2. NRT’s new Low Cost Carrier   of the busiest airports in Japan has been   for us in the area of VVIP completions for
          (LCC) Terminal 3, which opened earlier this   a Rockwell Collins customer since 2006   widebody aircraft” says  Walter Heerdt,
          year, will also deploy ARINC vMUSE and   and was one of the first to implement self-  Senior Vice President VIP & Executive Jet
          digital signage solutions.  The deal which   service for passengers on a large scale.   Solutions.

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