Page 36 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 36



                                                                                Embraer to Roll Out First
                                                                                E-Jets E2 on February 25
                                                                                Embraer announced in the last week of
                                                                                December, that it would perform the
                                                                                maiden roll-out of its second generation
                                                                                airliner family, the E-Jets E2, on February
                                                                                25, this year.  The $1.7 billion E-Jets E2
                                                                                program  was  launched  in  June  2013  and
                                                                                has received 267 firm orders along with
          First Airbus A320neo Delivered to Lufthansa                           373 options and purchase rights.  The
          The first A320neo has been  delivered to   haul routes…. As a result, we have ordered   E190-E2 aircraft is scheduled to complete
          Lufthansa Group, which is also Airbus’ largest   a total of 116 aircraft of this type for the   its maiden flight in the second half of this
          airline customer and operator. The aircraft was   airlines of the Lufthansa Group”, states   year and planned for in-service entry in
          originally scheduled to have been delivered in   Carsten Spohr, Chairman of the Executive   2018. “It will be gratifying to see the first
          December 2015. Powered by Pratt & Whitney   Board and CEO of Deutsche Lufthansa AG.   E190-E2  leave the hangar towards  the
          PurePower Geared  Turbofan engines, the   The A320neo Family has been a   tests that will lead to the inaugural flight,”
          A320neo will deliver a 15% improvement in   massive sales success for Airbus with   said  Paulo  Cesar Silva, President & CEO,
          fuel efficiency when compared to current   approximately  4,500  orders  for  the  type   Embraer Commercial Aviation. “The second
          generation aircraft from day one and 20%   having been placed by nearly 80 customers,   generation of E-Jets will allow current and
          less by 2020.                     since the programme was launched in 2010.   future operators to incorporate aircraft
             “We are happy that today we are the   Lufthansa Group’s Airbus orders have   that are even more modern, with significant
          first airline worldwide to receive the   reached a combined total of 582 aircraft    reduction in operating cost and unmatched
          Airbus A320neo. Featuring the leading   including 386 A320 Family, of which 116 are   passenger comfort.” Following the E190-E2
          technology of Airbus and Pratt & Whitney,   NEOs (71 A320neo and 45 A321neo). The full   into service after 2018 will be the E195-E2
          the A320neo is by far the most efficient and   range of Airbus wide-body aircraft have   and E175-E2, which are slated to enter
          most silent aircraft on short- and medium-  been or will be a part of Lufthansa’s fleet.     service in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

                                             Alessandro Amendola               customization, systems and propulsion,
                                             Appointed as Senior Vice-         structures, support, and quality, processes
                                             President Engineering at ATR      and  methods.  Amendola  will  be  closely
                                             Regional  Transport  Aircraft  (RTA)  involved with the work undertaken by
                                             specialist ATR has announced the   the Programs directorate at ATR, on
                                             appointment of new a new Senior  Vice-  engineering support and solutions in the
                                             president Engineering in Alessandro   definition of new aircraft developments.
                                             Amendola. He now takes over the      An experienced industry professional,
                                             important role from the previous   prior to taking over in the new role, he was
                                             incumbent Carmine Orsi and will be   Chief Engineering of Next Generation
                                             responsible for all the engineering   Turboprop (NGTP). Prior to that assignment
                                             activities related to the fields of   he held roles such as Head of New Projects,
                                             certification and airworthiness, flight   of Surveillance Systems and of the
                                             tests,  flight  technologies,  in  addition  to   CleanSky programme, while at Alenia.

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