Page 37 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 37


          Bell Helicopter Delivers First     Bombardier Bags China Express Order for 10 Bombardier
          407GXP to Air Methods              CRJ900 Jetliners
          The first Bell 407GXP configured for   China Express Airlines (China Express) has   flights, as well as cooperation with cities,”
          Helicopter Emergency Medical Services   placed firm orders with Bombardier for   adding that it offered excellent economics
          (HEMS) has been delivered by Bell   10 CRJ900 regional jets, taking its total   and reliability.
          Helicopter to Air Methods. Deliveries for   orders  for  the  type  with  the airframer  to   “Our 2015-2034 Commercial Aircraft
          the massive helicopter order will continue   38. The China Express order also takes firm   Market Forecast expects delivery of some
          for a decade. Air Methods is the world’s   orders for the CRJ900 to 409. The airline   900 60- to 100-seat airliners to China
          largest air medical provider with more than   has taken delivery of 20 of the type so far   during the forecast period and the CRJ900
          400 aircraft, 300-plus bases, and eight   and exercised earlier held options for eight   regional jet is proving to be a perfect fit in
          maintenance centers. Starting operations   aircraft for the latest order.   that market segment,” said Andy Solem,
          with a single Bell 206 helicopter, the air   The latest orders are estimated to   Vice  President,  Sales,  China  and  North
          medical company has grown to service 48   be  worth  $462.6  million  at  list  prices.   Asia, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft.
          states and transports more than 100,000   Wu Longjiang, President, China Express   The CRJ900 offers a 5.5 per cent fuel burn
          patients every year.               Airlines, said “The CRJ900 is the right   reduction compared to earlier CRJ models
            “As our launch customer for this aircraft,   aircraft for our cooperation with major   and is now operational with more than 20
          we take great pride in their ongoing trust in   airlines  on  code sharing  and connecting   airlines worldwide.
          Bell Helicopter and providing them with
          our reliable aircraft,” said Bell Helicopter’s
          President and CEO Mitch Snyder.                                       approximately a quarter of all 787 revenue
            All of the Bell 407GXPs destined for                                flights.
          Air Methods will be fitted with United                                  “Reaching  the  100,000th revenue
          Rotorcraft emergency medical services                                 flight milestone with the 787 Dreamliner
          interiors, which have been designed with                              is a significant milestone for ANA. As the
          air critical care operators in mind.  With                            largest customer of the 787, we look to
          an articulating loading system for easy                               forward to introducing the entire family
          patient  loading,  the  adaptable  interior                           of  Dreamliners  into  our  fleet  as  we  aim
          can accommodate a single patient or                                   to celebrate another 100,000 flights and
          specialty transport.  The United Rotorcraft                           beyond,” said Osamu Shinobe, president and
          interior  also  provides  integrated  medical   Boeing 787 Dreamliner Notches   CEO, ANA. Ray Conner, president and CEO,
          systems such as medical oxygen, suction,   Up 100,000th Flight with ANA  Boeing Commercial Airplanes said, “We
          air, storage, electrical power, and approved   Boeing’s revolutionary 787 Dreamliner   are honoured to celebrate this important
          provisions for securing medical support   has completed 100,000 revenue flights   milestone with ANA,”  and called  ANA a
          equipment during all aspects of flight.   with Japanese Airline All Nippon Airways   tremendous partner on the 787 program.
          Anthony Moreland, vice president of North   (ANA). ANA was the launch customer for   ANA has the world’s largest fleet of 787s
          American sales said, “The Bell 407GXP   the  Dreamliner and  was the  first  airline   in service and currently operates 44 aircraft
          will support their life-saving efforts, but   to commence scheduled operations with   (787-8 and 787-9) on scheduled flights. Boeing
          also provide the team with the expanded   the type in 2011. It now adds another first,   will deliver an additional 39 787s to the
          capabilities, safety and flexibility to serve   becoming the first airline in the world to   airline, including the latest variant the 787-
          their patients.”                   complete 100,000 revenue flights, which is   10, which is also the longest 787 available.

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