Page 29 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2016 Online Magazine
P. 29
Lufthansa Technik and easyJet
Further Enhance Partnership
European Low Cost Carrier (LCC) easyJet
and Lufthansa Technik Maintenance
International (LTMI) have signed a contract
for extensive collaboration that will
handle Light Base Maintenance (LBM)
inputs and AoG hangar support for the
LCC’s Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft fleet
as well as the A320neo in the future. The
maintenance services will be provided at
London Gatwick Airport (LGW), which has
55 easyJet aircraft based there and is the
largest base for the LCC. The maintenance
services will be provided for a period
of five years and will extend to work on Liebherr−Aerospace Integrated Air Management System for
the A320neo in the future. “In addition to AN−132D
the hangar build itself, a tender was run The new Antonov, AN−132D, will feature Antonov Company and its partners from
to select a suitable partner to provide an integrated air management system Kingdom of Saudi Arabia appreciate
the maintenance services. easyJet’s from Liebherr−Aerospace. As per the the participation of such world leading
existing partner in Milan Malpensa and contract, the design, supply and service suppliers in the AN−132 program. We are
Berlin Schoenefeld, Lufthansa Technik, the air management system, including the sure, that our cooperation will result in
were selected and a ground breaking bleed air system, cabin pressure control a reliable and competitive product”. The
five-year contract has been signed and anti−ice system, for the first aircraft AN−132 is a new turboprop light transport
which sees Lufthansa Technik opening demonstrator, will be undertaken by aircraft that is being realized by Antonov
their first UK hangar based operation,” Liebherr−Aerospace. Liebherr−Aerospace Company in close cooperation with the
said Brendan McConnellogue, easyJet’s will also deliver the systems for four companies King Abdulaziz City for Science
Head of Maintenance. LTMI has already aircraft to Antonov Company’s facility in and Technology (KACST) and Taqnia
commenced work under the new contract Kiev (Ukraine), that will be used for flight Aeronautics Co., which are based in Riyadh
and a staff of about 60 mechanics is tests. Mykhaylo Gvozdov, President of (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). The new type
present on-site that carry out two checks Antonov Company said: “We are proud will replace the AN−32 and AN−26 light
per night, seven days a week. to cooperate with Liebherr−Aerospace. transport aircraft.
AFI KLM E&M to Provide PBH Support for SunExpress’ CF6-80E1 Engines
AFI KLM E&M has added a new customer “The fact that AFI KLM E&M is part of an technical and operational expertise on
for its “Power by the Hour” (PBH) engine airline group that itself operates CF6- the CF6-80E1 which it has developed to
support services with the addition of 80E1s and has been maintaining them support customers and also its parent
SunExpress Deutschland, a subsidiary for many years is for us a reassuring airlines, AIR FRANCE and KLM.A subsidiary
of SunExpress. The PBH contract covers guarantee of quality and reliability,” said of SunExpress, which is joint venture of
the CF6-80E1 engines, which power Michael Zeuner, Post Holder Maintenance Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa; SunExpress
SunExpress Deutschland’s A330s, and AFI of SunExpress Deutschland. This is the Deutschland commenced operations from
KLM E&M will provide assistance with first time that both companies are working Frankfurt in 2010 and has a fleet of Boeing
engine availability and on-wing support. together. AFI KLM E&M has extensive 737-800s and Airbus A330s.