Page 27 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2016 Online Magazine
P. 27

                                                                                  FEA TURE  AIRCRAF t  MANUF A C t URING

        The commuter Do-228 will be
        offered as an 18 seater with an
        additional seat for the cabin-crew.
        Easy baggage access is afforded
        by the large cargo door, which can
        also accommodate steps quick
        disembarking of passengers at
        smaller airfields. The aircraft will be
        offered with a full glass cockpit and
        will be powered by more powerful
        Garret TPE-331-10  turbo-props
        generating 776 SHP and fitted with
        five bladed composite propellers

        hinted by industry sources as a strong   its approval for manufacture of Dornier (Do-  Air Ambulance version.  The Cargo version
        potential candidate to place orders for the   228) aircraft in civil role in accordance with   is available with a wide roller door for easy
        Do-228 for use in India’s North-East region.   India’s Civil Aviation Requirement (CAR 21G).   loading and unloading and can carry seven
        Speaking to Asian Airlines & Aerospace,   The HAL Do-228 commuter will be   pallets with containers. In the Executive
        a senior HAL official said, “We are already   available with a full glass cockpit – featuring   transport role, up to 11 passengers can be
        receiving interest for the commercial variant   four displays (6X6 or 6X8) as per the   accommodated. The cabin can be configured
        of the Do-228, as it is a proven platform and   customer preference.  The aircraft will be   with a working table for  VIPs, large galley,
        economical  to operate.  Countries in  Africa   offered in an 18 seat configuration with an   wardrobe,  refrigerator  and  food  warmer,
        have expressed interest and we will target   additional  seat  for  the cabin  crew. The civil   toilet, additional sound proofing and IFE.
        our export customers for sales also.” HAL   Do-228 will be powered by more powerful   HAL’s Kanpur division has produced more
        will provide single vendor support for all   Garret TPE-331-10 engines that generate 776   than 120 Do-228s for the IAF, Navy, Coast
        equipment onboard the aircraft. Training for   SHP, with five bladed composite propellers.   Guard and export customers in Mauritius and
        pilots on the type requires two weeks say   Honeywell has an exclusive manufacturing   Seychelles.  There are plans to upgrade the
        company officials and a simulator will also be   relationship with HAL to source the TPE 331   Do-228 fleet in India and HAL is also exploring
        available for training by 2017.     -10/-12 engines for its global customer base,   cost reduction to make the aircraft viable for
           HAL will also look  at lessors  who are   support for the engine is assured.  options   more export opportunities and internal civil
        willing to support the aircraft on lease to   will be available for seats, carpets, IFE and   operations. Production of the type continues
        regional  commuter airlines.  The  month of   there will also be an option for a toilet. Power   with orders from the Navy and the IAF. More
        March also saw HAL complete the delivery   outlets and charging points will be available   than 110 Do-228 aircraft remain in operation
        of the first of four ship-sets of structural   as an option and HAL is also offering a 5”   in India.
        assemblies destined for RUAG, Germany   LED display every three rows as an optional
        for the Do-228-212 NG (New Generation).   feature. A draw back of the aircraft remains
        The  orders  were  received  by  the  airframer   the fact that passengers  cannot stand up
        in November 2015. “We have manufactured   straight in  the cabin,  however passenger
        and supplied the ship-set in a record time,   space and comfort for short hops is perfectly
        ahead of schedule commitment”, said  T.   adequate.  The front  and rear  baggage
        Suvarna Raju, CMD, HAL. The manufactured   compartments can accommodate 120 kg and
        ship-sets were produced at HAL’s Transport   210 kg of luggage respectively.
        Aircraft Division  at Kanpur. India’s civil   other variants being  offered by HAL
        aviation  authority,  the  Directorate  General   for customers in India and for export are
        of  Civil  Aviation  (DGCA)  has  also  accorded   a Cargo version, Executive transport and
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