Page 16 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2016 Online Magazine
P. 16
Iran’s Aviation Resurgence
Freed from sanctions, Iran’s airlines go on a spending spree
By Subodh Agarwal
SkIES HAVE FINALLY CLEARED FOR transfer of commercial passenger aircraft
Iran’s airline industry, which was plunged into and related parts and services to Iran.
disrepair following sanctions and isolation by the With the dawn of 2016, after the United
West after the 1979 revolution that transformed States and Europe lifted sanctions on Iran
the country into an Islamic republic. prohibiting the sale of aircraft and parts, the
Local airlines, including national carrier country is making moves to revamp its aging
Iran Air, once the pride of the region, fleet and antiquated air traffic infrastructure.
had flown into oblivion and were off the Now, in the light of the Joint
international maps for about three decades Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a
after most of them were portrayed as a final nuclear deal between Iran and world
facilitators of a terrorist regime. powers, plans are on the anvil for turning the
Since the sanctions were imposed on country into a big power in the civil aviation
the country in 1979, U.S. entities have been industry.
restricted from engaging in sale, lease or Iranian President Hassan Rouhani,