Page 12 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2016 Online Magazine
P. 12


        6000, and the fastest growing size category   the largest number of aircraft added to its
        was the ‘long range’ segment.” The top three   fleet in 2015, an increase of 16 business jets.
        OEMs in the Asia Pacific region by market   Gulfsteam which already has more than 165
        share are Bombardier, Gulfstream and   aircraft present in Greater China (China,
        Cessna, with 27 per cent, 23 per cent and 19   Hong Kong, Macau,  Taiwan), is confident
        per cent of the fleet, respectively. Examining   of retaining its leadership position in large
        only fleet additions in 2015, Bombardier   cabin business jets for quite some time to
        saw the largest increase with 51 additional   come. “We have experienced tremendous
        aircraft (28 new and 23 pre-owned). Taken   growth in Greater China, particularly on
        together, the key territories of China, Hong   the mainland, where we had 30 aircraft in
        Kong, Australia and India represent over   2010 and now have more than 100, including
        two-thirds of the region’s business jet fleet.   the new G650ER that recently delivered
        By the end of 2015, the Asia Pacific region   into China,” says Scott Neal, senior vice
        business jet fleet stood at 1,134 aircraft an   president,  Worldwide Sales & Marketing,
        increase of 6.2 per cent over the prior year,   Gulfstream.  Gulfstream delivered  the
        with the region adding 140 aircraft – 66 new   G650ER into China in March; the ultra-long-
        and 74 pre-owned, though 74 aircraft left.   range aircraft being delivered to Minsheng
        China remains the largest market in the Asia   Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. (MSFL).  Demand
        Pacific region with 300 business jets, though   for the G650ER highlights the continued
        its growth rate was just 3.8 per cent in 2015,   need for long-range business jet travel in
        reflecting a significant deceleration from   China, say company officials. Growth in
        previous years. After China, the next two   this  region is  important  for  Gulfsteam,
        largest markets in the Asia Pacific region   as it accounts for more than half of the
        are Australia with 184 aircraft (7 per cent   Asia-Pacific fleet, making it the company’s   The G500 flight-test program
                                                                                continues  to  move  ahead  and  the
        growth in 2015) and India with 145 aircraft    largest internationally.  fifth test example PT5 will join the
        (4 per cent growth in 2015). Hong Kong saw                              test fleet soon
        12   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  MAY/ JUNE 2016                         WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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