Page 14 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2016 Online Magazine
P. 14


        Dassault Aviation                   has had three aircraft accumulate over   development  three  years  ago.”  Interior
        Dassault Aviation is proceeding at full speed   650 flight hours in 325 flights, till date. The   completion work was begun on five aircraft
        in 2016 for its new flagship, the Falcon 8X, as a   Falcon 8X remains on track to obtain official   at the end of 2015. Test aircraft s/n 03 has
        result of the tasks related to the certification   certification in the middle of this year. First   completed  thermal,  acoustic  and  cabin
        program underway for the type. However,   customer deliveries are slated for the second   amenity testing at the Little Rock Completion
        once these tasks are completed over the next   half of  2016.  “We are  delighted  and  thrilled   Center, and is the first 8X equipped with a
        few months, there will be a decrease of 8X   with the way the Falcon 8X programme is   fully fitted interior and is one of three aircraft
        work toward the end of the year. The Falcon   proceeding,” said Eric  Trappier, Chairman/  dedicated to development and certification
        8X is now in the final stages of its flight test   CEO of Dassault Aviation. “The flight test   testing  for the  Falcon  8X. Cold  soak  trials
        and certification programme and nearly all   campaign has been flawless and the aircraft   under  extreme weather  conditions  saw s/n
        certification tests have been completed   will  be  in  initial  customers’  hands  this   03 complete its cold soak trial campaign at
        as part of the flight test programme, which   summer, just as planned when we launched   Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, on the north western

        14   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  MAY/ JUNE 2016                         WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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