Page 18 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2016 Online Magazine
P. 18


        to take delivery of 2,420 business jets in the   Middle  East,  with  187  (23.6  per  cent of  the   with  continued,  robust  demand  growth
        period 2016 to 2032, a study by Research and   region’s  total),  followed  by  Turkey  (157  and   in the heavy and medium jets segments.
        Markets says.                       19.8 per cent) and the UAE (131 and 16.5 per   The  business  jet  delivery  numbers  for  H1
           The Middle East business jets market has   cent). These three countries also accounted   2015, however, have not been as optimistic
        a promising outlook  although currently  the   for 69 per cent of all business aircraft    with aircraft deliveries and aircraft billings
        business jets fleet in the area represents just   deliveries between 2011 and 2015.  declining by 4.1 per  cent and 4.6  per cent
        three per cent of the world total.  With the   It is projected that in the next decade, the   respectively with the industry impacted by
        region’s GDP projected to rise at an average   business aviation industry in India will grow   volatility in global markets and continued
        of 3.8 per cent  over the next two decades,   three times and emerge as the third largest   consolidation in the energy sector.
        the prospects of the business jets sector are   aviation market by 2020.   However, long term demand drivers
        bright, according to the Research and Market   As business aviation activity continues to   and market fundamentals for business
        study.                              rebound from the depths of the downturn, it   jets remain robust and firmly in place
           New research from Gama  Aviation plc,   has meant good news and growing prosperity   indicating  towards  sustained,  steady
        a global aviation services company, reveals   for many of the companies that service those   demand  growth for  business  jets over
        that 56 per cent of the Middle East’s fleet of   aircraft.              medium to long term. Additionally, the
        business  aircraft are  classified  as medium                           market dynamics for business jets are likely
        to heavy, and 14 per cent as business jet   Demand on the Rise          to  witness major  transformation  with the
        airliners. Gama Aviation’s research reveals   The delivery numbers continue to be   era of supersonic business jets likely to
        that there are some 794 business aircraft in   dominated  by Bombardier  in volume  terms   become a reality towards the early 2020s
        the Middle East, and one in five of these 161   and led by Gulfstream in value terms   with a number of industry OEMs, led by
        were delivered between 2011 and 2015. Gama   respectively with the duo collectively holding   Gulfstream, actively pursuing R&D towards
        Aviation’s  also  finds  that  Saudi  Arabia  has   over 70 per cent market share (based on   development of a range of supersonic flight
        the biggest fleet of business aircraft in the   aircraft billings/sales revenues) in 2014   technologies capable of enabling feasible

        18   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  MAY/ JUNE 2016                         WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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