Page 17 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 17


        RIGHT: Sharklet customers are
        also wearing smiles because
        of the numerous benefits of
        Sharklet  Wingtip  Production
        Retrofit and In-Service Retrofit
        (ISR) options for A320 Family
        OPPOSITE PAGE:  Spring  Airlines
        a Shanghai based LCC has signed
        up for Sharklet retrofit of its
        A320 aircraft in operation. It
        is the first Chinese airline to
        perform the retrofit

        structures are delivered as a kit, which is   Caillaud says. The retrofit involves removal   on an average. From the beginning of the
        produced by American firm  Triumph and   of the outer wing, reinforcement of the wing   programme, Airbus had decided that both
        require a lead time of six months. 17 aircraft   structure, attachment of the bathtub and top   the Sharklet retrofit and the Sharklet linefit
        are currently flying with ISR Sharklet, while   skin and finally, installation of the Sharklet   devices should be identical, and therefore
        the number of aircraft that have received   wingtips. The Sharklet retrofit is delivered as   fully interchangeable. Hence, the benefits of
        a production retrofit is 115.  The Sharklet   a kit to the customer and can be installed at   the retrofit solution are nearly the same as
        retrofit solution available at this stage does   the operator’s choice of Maintenance Repair   those of the production Sharklet option.
        not address the A321 family. “This is because   & Overhaul (MRO) provider.  The In-Service   The sole supplier of Sharklets to Airbus is
        the wing on the A321 is not the same and   retrofit for the Sharklet wingtips, received   Korean Air’s Aerospace Division.  Compared
        a  Sharklet  retrofit  solution  for  the  A321   European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)   to the distinctive smaller, triangular-shaped
        would require further development. Hence   and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)   wingtip devices seen on older A320 Family
        a retrofit solution for the A321 is yet to be   validation in October, 2015.  aircraft which work by modifying the
        launched” says Caillaud.               The Sharklet ISR was also designed to   wing lift distribution, the Sharklets when
           Each Sharklet ISR kit contains a service   comply  to  the  certification  baseline  for  a   retrofitted, provide larger induced drag
        bulletin  and  a  kit,  which  is  delivered  to  the   brand new single-aisle aircraft capable of a   reductions than wing tip fences by creating
        location specified by the customer, it could   two-hour  flight.  The  design  service  goal  of   much more significant changes to the wing
        be the operator facility or the designated   a single aisle aircraft today is 48,000 flight   loading and effective span. It this improved
        Maintenance,  Repair  Overhaul  (MRO)  cycles and 96,000 flight hours, as compared   aerodynamic effect that allows the Sharklet
        provider. Airbus directly ships the kit from   to the legacy fleets where this was 48,000   wingtips to deliver large fuel burn reductions
        its facilities to the place of retrofit.  Then   cycles and 60,000 flight hours. Hence the   in cruise and significant improvements in
        it becomes an MRO task to do the retrofit.   Sharklet  ISR offers  airline  operators  a   climb  performance.  The  aircraft  behaviour
        “The time taken to complete the retrofit is   36,000 additional flight hours potential   is certainly improved in terms of better
        estimated at approx three weeks, so it is easily   to  the  aircraft. This  equates  to  10  years  of   climb rate, helping in cases where there are
        combinable with C-checks, maintenance   extra operations at 3,600  flight hours per   load limitations on take-off. A320 Family
        checks or during cabin/avionics upgrades,”   year, which is usage rate for the A320 Family   jetliners that are retrofitted with the 2.4
                                                                                metre-tall Sharklet wingtips can deliver fuel
                                                                                burn savings of up to four percent on the
                                  THE SHARkLET uPGRAdE PACkAGE THAT             longest sectors. The aircraft are also able to
                                  AIRBuS OffERS INCLudES:                       fly up to 100 nm further or carry an additional
                                   •  The Sharklets and attachment ribs         450  kg of  payload.  Just as  in  the  case  of
                                   •  Outer wing reinforcements                 linefit aircraft, no additional pilot training is
                                   •  Pre-assembled reinforcement kits          needed for pilots who fly A320s fitted with
                                   •  A detailed Service Bulletin (SB) including embodiment   Sharklets.  The investment on Sharklet can
                                       instructions                             also be considered as an investment on the
                                   •  An assessment of avionics pre-requisites and existing   aircraft itself as it positively impacts the
                                       “Repairs and Concessions” for the individual aircraft
                                                                                residual life of the aircraft.

                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2016  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  17
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