Page 18 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 18


        Beyond the Clouds

        The competition among players in the global air traffic control equipment market has
        increased considerably in the last few years
        By Jay Menon

        AS WE FLY ON A COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE,   by  2019. On  the  basis  of end  user,  the   student exchange programs conducted
        how many of us think about those who are   commercial aircrafts segment is expected   by universities are leading to a rise in the
        keeping an eye on a screen on which your   to lead, and account for 39.3 percent of the   number of air travellers.  The number of
        aircraft is just a little spot, and making sure   global air traffic control equipment market   international students registering in Canada,
        to keep that spot away from other spots. The   by  2019. Asia  Pacific  is  expected  to be  the   according to the Canadian Bureau for
        men and women in the tower at your local   key geographical area leading in the market,   International Education was 265,000 in 2012.
        airport can track about ten manned aircraft   followed by Europe.      Since passenger comfort and safety are
        at  a  given  time,  a  relatively  small  number.   R&D remains the core focus of key   key  concerns  for  airport  authorities,  there
        In order to manage the growing air traffic,   companies  in  the global  air traffic  control   is a growing demand for air traffic control
        traffic authorities are steadily changing   equipment market.  Thales Group, for   equipment.
        the way they operate. Global demand for   instance, invested over US$3 billion into R&D
        flight-management equipment such as   in 2013.  The development of sophisticated  Selex ES
        digital communications and surveillance   technology for analysis,  decision making,   Selex  ES, a  Leonardo  company,  which is
        systems is forecast to reach US$5.5   and detection fields is another area gripping   looking at expanding its growth in the
        billion  in 2020,  according  to research  by   the focus of players. With innovation in their   AsiaPacific region has been recently awarded
        MarketsandMarkets.                  products, key players hope to serve space   a  contract  worth  around  €8  million  by  the
           The  competition  among  players  in  the   and aeronautics, defence and security, and   Vietnam Air Traffic Management Corporation
        global air traffic control equipment market   ground transportation.  The utilization of   (VATM) to develop the New Hanoi Air Traffic
        has increased considerably in the last few   air traffic control systems benefits the   Control Centre. The contract which lasts 19
        years.  The global market for air traffic   environment to a great extent. According to   months,  will  see  Selex  ES  providing  an  Air
        control equipment is fragmented in nature   a research conducted by Airbus, around 9   Traffic Management automation system
        and consists leading players such as Selex   mn tons of fuel would be saved per year, if   and associated systems.  This will include
        ES, Harris Corp., Cobham Plc, NavAero   air traffic control and management systems   the supply of an Area Control Centre system
        Inc., Indra Sistemas SA, Lockheed Martin   were used optimally. This would help prevent   (ACC) equipped with operator consoles, a
        Corp., Searidge Technologies Inc., Northrop   28 mn tons of CO2 emissions per year. The   simulator and a test and evaluation system.
        Grumman Corp., Thales Group and Raytheon   environmental benefits of using air traffic   It will also include the complete automation
        Company. According to a recent survey,   control equipment will thus, drive their   of two control towers, one at Noi Bai (Hanoi
        the global market opportunity in air traffic   demand.                 International Airport) and one at Cat Bi.
        control equipment will rise from US$4.1   Another factor contributing to the   The area control centre and the control
        billion by 2019. By type, the communication   growth of the global air traffic control   towers will also be equipped with Selex ES’s
        equipment segment is expected to lead   equipment market is the growing trade   AMAN/DMAN (Arrival MANager/Departure
        and account for 37.4 percent of the market   relations  between  countries.  Numerous   MANager) tool which will allow a better
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