Page 20 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 20


        direct Connection

        HONEYWELL’S  VISION  FOR  THE  FuTuRE  and operational and maintenance costs to   It taps into local talent and resources to
        embraces the concept of the connected   a minimum while ensuring airplane safety   develop not only a unique understanding
        aircraft.This vision is  already becoming  a   and reliability. Airbus’ first Global Services   of customers’ operational requirements,
        reality  with  Honeywell’s  consolidated  range   Forecast forecasts that over the next 20 years,   but also the ability to respond quickly and
        of services platform – GoDirect – a one-  aftermarket services industry spend will reach   efficiently  with  aerospace  products  and
        stop shop solution for maintenance services   US$3 trillion, and Asia Pacific will represent   services to meet customers’ current and
        as  well  as  flight  planning  and  software   the largest portion of the market for both MRO   future needs. As no two airlines are the
        updates, all at the touch of a button. Sathesh   activity and the need for new qualified pilots and   same, Honeywell’s maintenance and asset
        Ramiah, Senior  director, APAC, Honeywell   technicians,  while  Europe  and North America   availability services are customised to create
        Aerospace talks in detail to Deputy Editor of   combined will account for approximately one   cost-effective packaged solutions that allow
        Asian Airlines & Aerospace Jay Menon about   third of the total MRO market spend.   airlines to better manage and predict their
        how the new platform allows crew to quickly   Today, aftermarket support accounts for   maintenance spending, asset requirements
        gather and visualise airplane maintenance   more than half of Honeywell’s business, with   and repair needs.
        data and identify patterns and potential   a growing footprint in China and Southeast   Besides opportunities from APAC airlines’
        maintenance needs for a whole fleet or a   Asia including Singapore.  We have also   fleet expansion due to the forecasted growth
        single airplane. Excerpts from the interview:  observed that Asia Pacific carriers are   in passenger traffic,  Honeywell also foresees
                                            more likely to outsource their MRO services   growth opportunities from the evolution
        detail the MRO needs of the region and how   as they do not have an installed base for   of a new generation aircraft.  The evolution
        they differ across each market, as well as   maintenance operations, prompting them to   will  see operators  and original equipment
        opportunities  in  the  aftermarket  services   work closely with companies like Honeywell.  manufacturers  (OEMs)  like  Honeywell
        business for Honeywell?                Honeywell’s  aftermarket  business  constantly  upgrading  their  aftermarket
        In today’s highly competitive airline industry,   operates at a regional level with support   programs and MRO capabilities to keep ahead
        airlines need to  keep aircraft downtime   from its global repair and overhaul network.   of technological advancements.
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