Page 52 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 52

inteRVieW Mtu MaintenanCe Zhuhai

        Regional MRO Heavyweight

        MTU Maintenance Zhuhai handles 2/3rd of MTU Maintenance’ CFM56 engine overhauls

        FRank BoDenhaGe, GeneRaL ManaGeR,                                       extended  its  facility  by  5,900  square
        MTU Maintenance Zhuhai in an interview                                  meters in late 2012, bringing its total area to
        with  Asian  Airlines  and  Aerospace  says                             almost 40,000 square meters. As a result,
        MTU’s Zhuhai facility is now one of the                                 the shop’s overall capacity was boosted
        very few shops in Asia with the ability                                 by 50 percent from 200 to 300 shop visits
        to overhaul the CFM56-7BE, the newest                                   per year.  With a strong customer base
        version  of  the  engine.  “We  see  the  CFM56                         worldwide, this location houses many of
        engine family as one of our key programs                                MTU Maintenance’s experts for the CFM56
        both in Asia and worldwide in the future,” he                           engine family.
        says. MTU Maintenance Zhuhai handled two                                  In fact, we recently completed the
        thirds of the shop visits performed by MTU                              1,000th shop visit and perform two thirds of
        Maintenance in 2015. The company had an                                 the MTU Maintenance group’s overall shop
        11 percent market share worldwide. Edited                               visits on this engine. Additionally, we are one
        excerpts from the interview.                                            of the very few shops in Asia with the ability
                                                                                to overhaul the CFM56-7BE, the newest
        What are the latest updates with regards                                version of the engine. MTU Maintenance
        to the MTU Maintenance Zhuhai centre?  Frank  Bodenhage,  General  Manager,  MTU   Zhuhai has contributed significantly to the
        In April 2016, MTU Maintenance Zhuhai, a   Maintenance Zhuhai           group’s position as number one independent
        50/50 joint venture between Germany’s                                   provider worldwide of CFM56 services.
        leading engine  manufacturer MTU Aero   early and was one of the first to set up its   Eleven percent of all shop visits worldwide
        Engines  and  China  Southern  Air  Holding   own facility in the region.   were performed by MTU Maintenance in
        Company, celebrated its 15th anniversary.   China Southern is China’s largest airline   2015. We see this as one of our key programs
        The company, located in the Pearl River   group and fifth largest worldwide in terms of   both in Asia and worldwide in the future too.
        Delta region of southern China, is China’s   flight size, according to IATA. The airline has
        leading engine MRO shop and specializes in   demonstrated strong growth over the past   AAA: Please elaborate on expansion plans
        V2500-A5 and CFM56-3, -5B and -7B MRO   years, and brings a large baseload and license   at the facility and planned future engine
        services.  With close  to 2,000 engine  shop   access to the partnership. Furthermore, the   types that will be added for MRO?
        visits to date, it is one of the top maintenance   Zhuhai shop has advanced machinery and   MTU Maintenance has the advantage of a
        players in Asia.                    applies the high-tech repair processes for   global locations network and is prepared for
                                            which MTU Maintenance has made a name   the new generation of engines. For example,
        What are the reasons that have      for itself globally. MTU Maintenance Zhuhai   the shop in Hannover, Germany, already has
        contributed to the success of this facility?  does about 80 percent of parts repair in-  licensed MRO capability for the PW1100G.
        The company is located in Zhuhai’s free   house. Furthermore, capabilities such as   MTU Maintenance Zhuhai is also planning
        trade zone and benefits from its proximity   high-velocity oxy-fuel plasma spraying,   to step into next generation engine MRO
        to Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and   high-pressure water stripping and source   in due time, as their joint venture partner
        Macao. Service teams can be dispatched   demonstration repairs (V2500 rear shaft    China Southern Airlines has ordered the new
        to the customers in the region in no time.   hard  coating,  V2500  drum 3-8  and  V2500   technology for the A320neo and the 737max,
        MTU Maintenance Zhuhai is right in the   drum 9-12) were recently added to its range   as well as the locally-built C919. Overall,
        hub of Asia’s aviation and has excellent   of repairs.                  China is the fastest growing market in the
        relations  with  the  local  government and                             world. We estimate that the market size in
        municipality.  The location profits greatly   There will continue to be strong growth in   revenue will grow by 16.9 percent by 2026. As
        from the strengths of both partners: MTU   CFM 56 engines in the region – how does MTU   most visits will be performed on narrowbody
        Maintenance is the largest independent   Maintenance Zhuhai, aim to capitalise on this   engines, MTU Maintenance Zhuhai is ideally
        engine  maintenance provider  worldwide   and what is the infrastructure in place?  placed to serve this growth.
        and brings more than 35 years’ experience   In order to meet the growing expectations
        and technological knowledge to the   of the Asian aviation market in particular –
        table. Furthermore, MTU Maintenance   being the largest and among the youngest
        recognized  the  potential  of  this  region   in the world – MTU Maintenance Zhuhai
        52    A SIAN AIRLINES & AEROSP A CE   SEPTEMBER / OC T                  WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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