Page 50 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 50


                                                                                MRO operators in the region
                                                                                are likely to go through a period
                                                                                of consolidation as airline
                                                                                operators increasingly look for
                                                                                “one-stop” shops to meet their
                                                                                maintenance needs
        and comprehensive related services (both   them, delivering a base workload on these   JAEC and the Pratt &  Whitney Christchurch
        on newer and older engines) in an effort   programmes for the MRO operator. “MTU   Engine Center in the Asia/Pacific region,
        to further  reduce costs  while maximizing   Aero Engines, as a risk and revenue sharing   Lufthansa  Technik and MTU in Europe, and
        asset values. “The main reason for this being   partner (RRSP) for next generation engines,   Pratt & Whitney Columbus Engine Center in
        the increased involvement of the OEMs in   for example on the PW1100G-JM, can support   the United States.  This network will be rapidly
        the aftermarket.  This, and the advanced   entry into the OEM network, access to repair   scaled up as overhaul volumes increase to
        technology used in these engines will lead   licenses, as well as potentially introduce   include airlines and other MRO shops.
        to limited access to shop visits and could   shop visit volume from the OEM (through   Pratt  &  Whitney’s  most  comprehensive
        ultimately lead to a market consolidation.   the OEM network).”  The benefit here to an   aftermarket  presence in  a single location
        We believe that the future market will be   MRO provider here, is that this will happen   outside the U.S. is based in Singapore where
        mainly made up of large players and small   in an early phase and enable collection of   it has been present for 33 years. Singapore
        companies that offer niche products,” says   experience and knowledge to be collected   today has five Pratt &  Whitney MRO
        Frank Bodenhage, President and CEO of   ahead of competitors            businesses and more than 2,000 employees,
        MTU Maintenance Zhuhai.                                                 providing comprehensive support to large
           Another looming challenge for MRO  The OEM MRO Solution              engine operators in the region.  This year,
        firms  is that  future widebody  types will  be   Pratt &  Whitney’s PurePower Geared   Pratt &  Whitney officially opened its first
        available will have only one engine supplier.   Turbofan (GTF) engine family has more than   manufacturing facility in Singapore, further
        There is no change in today’s single-aisle   8,200 orders, including options with more   augmenting its MRO footprint in the region.
        aircraft models: The A320neo family comes   than 80 customers across 30 countries.  In the   The 180,000 square-foot (16,000 square-
        with two engine choices, and the 737MAX is   Asia-Pacific region, Pratt & Whitney has nearly   meter) facility produces hybrid metallic
        exclusively powered by the LEAP-1B, as the   2,000 GTF engine orders and commitments   fan blades and high pressure turbine disks
        737NG is today by the CFM56-7. However,   to date, with more than 20 customers. GTF   for Pratt &  Whitney’s PurePower Geared
        according to Bodenhage, “The key issue   engine operators could save up to U.S. $1   Turbofan (GTF) engine family. More than
        for MROs is on how to access the license   million per aircraft per year, while maintaining   1,200 Pratt & Whitney engines are in service
        to overhaul these new engine types. And   overall maintenance requirements consistent   in China and in excess of 100 GTF engines
        as  most  orders  for  next  generation  aircraft   with  today’s  narrow  body  engines.    The   have been ordered by Chinese airlines. For
        and engines come with a long-term service   engine has 2,000 fewer aerofoils, six fewer   large engine fleets that are in service today,
        agreement, accessing the workload itself is   stages and lower engine core temperatures,   Pratt &  Whitney currently provides MRO
        another major issue.” Established third-party   results in a maintenance friendly engine.  The   support with a wide network that is already
        MRO providers are looking at partnerships   fan drive gear system is designed to run for   well established in the Asia Pacific region. It
        with a large airline, which has already placed   infinite life with no life limited parts. There is   has four engine centers (in Turkey, Singapore,
        significant orders and the MRO company’s   now a growing GTF MRO network in place to   Shanghai and Christchurch), four-part repair
        existing relationship with the engine OEM   support  customers,  which  industry’s  leading   shops, and more than 3,000 employees
        to negotiate overhaul licenses with the   MRO firms. Current network members include   providing comprehensive support.
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