Page 14 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 14

FeAtUre BUsiness Jets

        Magnificent EVOlution

        The Piaggio avanti EVO, fondly called the ‘Ferrari of the Skies’, is poised to take the
        fast-growing private aviation market by storm

        By Jay Menon

        tHe stAte-oF-tHe-Art AvAnti  evo,      When the Avanti EVO was unveiled   key component of that ambition.
        the third generation of the legendary P.180,   at EBACE, it represented  an important   As  Piaggio  Aero  embarks  on a  new
        places Piaggio Aerospace firmly into the   first milestone under the new  majority   chapter in its growth and future development,
        business  aviation  market,  delivering  a   shareholder  ownership  of  Mubadala.  it insists that it will keep producing and
        blend of sophistication and ruggedness in   When the Abu-Dhabi-based investment   supporting the Avanti EVO as it is a “perfect
        true Italian style. Since Avanti EVO made   and development company took control of   starting point that underpins future growth.”
        its public debut at the European Business   Piaggio Aero, the plan was to develop the   Discounting all notions that Piaggio
        Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE)   product portfolio and invest in a new state-  may be shifting its focus from the business
        in Geneva in 2014, Piaggio has delivered over   of-the-art production facility at  Villanova   aviation market to the defence sector, for
        half-a-dozen production aircraft.   d’Albenga, Savona, Italy – and the EVO was a   which it is developing the Hammerhead

        14    A SIAN AIRLINES & AEROSP A CE   APRIL / MA Y  2017                WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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