Page 16 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 16

                BUSINESS JETS

        Turning the Corner

        The business jet market is expected to recover from 2018 as new models begin to enter
        By Atul Chandra

        it  HAs  Been  A toUgH  PAst  FeW YeArs   are key to the company’s future. Bombardier   systems, including propulsion, electrical
        for business jet  manufacturers  who have   Business Jets is to grow its revenue to US$10   and mechanical systems. “Our flight test
        been buffeted by strong headwinds created   billion by 2020 and the Global 7000, which is   vehicles continue to show a high degree of
        by the economic downturn and resulted   scheduled for entry into service in the second   maturity in testing, dispatching twice daily
        in a decline in the sales  of business jets.   half of 2018 is slated to generate US$3 billion   in many cases,” said Michel Ouellette, Senior
        A market recovery is now forecast by the   in revenue by that time. Investments are also   Vice President, Global 7000 and Global 8000
        airframers to commence from 2018 onwards   needed to be made for the programme as it   Program.  “We have  strong momentum in
        and strong market demand is important for   completes developmental testing and enters   the program right now, and we are on track
        business jet manufacturers as a number of   the production phase and Bombardier states   for entry into service in 2018.  The Global
        new and important aircraft are types are   that the Global 7000 will require a US$350   7000 Flight Test Vehicle 1 (FTV1) completed
        soon to enter service. Canadian airframer   million increase in investment year on year   its maiden flight in November 2016. It was
        Bombardier delivered 163 business jets   for the flight test programme and vehicles   transferred to the Bombardier Flight Testing
        in the full year 2016, spread across 51   and to cater for the start of production and   Center in Wichita ahead of schedule and, to
        Globals, 88 Challengers and 24 Learjets and   the  associated  ramp-up.   The  maiden  flight   date, has achieved approximately 200 flight
        reported revenues of US$5.7 billion in 2016.   of the first Global 7000 flight test vehicle   hours.” FTV1 has already seen its flight test
        Bombardier says that it will look to deliver   one (FTV1) took place in November 2016 and   envelope  expanded to  Mach 0.995,  making
        approximately 135 business jets this year and   the second prototype FTV2 took to the air in   the Global 7000 aircraft the largest business
        achieve a revenue of US$5.7 billion. Including   March 2017. FTV1 is being used to test basic   jet to reach this high speed.  The advanced
        all its businesses, Bombardier plans to grow   system functionality and assessment of the   wing design on the Global 7000 aircraft allows
        its revenue from US$16.5 billion to US$25   handling and flying qualities of the aircraft,   it to optimise speed, range and control for an
        billion by 2020 and two airplanes; the new   while FTV2 which has been named,  “The   exceptionally smooth ride, steep approach
        Global 7000 along with the C Series jetliner   Powerhouse,” is being used to test aircraft    capability  and short  field performance. The
        16   ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  APRIL / MAY 2017                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA
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