Page 15 - AAA APRIL - MAY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 15

FeAtUre BUsiness Jets

        unmanned version of  the Avanti, Renato   “The twin turboprop aircraft is the perfect   The five-inch-enlarged cabin door, in
        Vaghi, Chief Executive Officer of Piaggio   answer to our business and personal needs   combination with its already low ground
        Aerospace, says, “We are very proud   and  indeed  a  perfect  combination  of  lavish   clearance, allows an easier and more direct
        of our  aircraft (the new  EVO) and  will   Italian style, comfort and best-in-class   stretcher-loading  in  the  aircraft,  thus
        continue to promote it around the world.”   operational performance, with an excellent   enhancing  the overall aircraft capability  in
        The company’s presence at key business   cost-benefit ratio,” Vaghi says.  ambulance operations. “The enlarged door
        aviation events and air shows underlines   The EVO boasts one of the largest cabins   option, specifically designed for special
        Piaggio Aero’s full commitment to the   in the turboprop market. “In a world that’s   missions, highlights Piaggio  Aerospace
        sector, he adds. Piaggio has invested   always  moving  faster,  business  aviation   willingness to be a key player in this sector.
        heavily in a new factory in  Villanova   plays an ever more crucial role. Business   In particular, Avanti EVO characteristics –
        d’Albenga, with separate commercial   aircraft increase efficiency and eliminate   overall performance, pressurization and
        and military production lines, capable of   waiting times, making travel faster and   roomy cabin, and now an enlarged door –
        producing 60 aircraft a year in total.  time spent on board both more productive   make it the perfect platform for fulfilling
           Avanti  EVO  is  a  great  product,  with   and more relaxing,”  Vaghi says. Piaggio is   medical operators ‘needs,” Vaghi says.
        unique features that can satisfy the needs   also promoting the EVO as a multi-mission   Currently, there are more than 220 P.180
        of the most sophisticated customers, Vaghi   platform,  with flight  calibration and  air   Avanti aircraft in operation globally: 6 Avanti
        claims.  The Avanti EVO accommodates up   ambulance services just two of the many   EVO, 126 of the second-generation Avanti II,
        to nine passengers and is capable of flying   missions the aircraft can perform.  and 89 of the original Avanti.
        at a maximum cruise speed of 402 knots (745   Versatility and reliability, in unison with   According to  Vaghi, Piaggio is working
        km/h), with a maximum range IFR of 1,809   advanced technology and optimised cabin   hard  to  improve  customer  support,
        nm, a climb rate of 2,770 fpm, and a maximum   pressurisation, make Avanti EVO not only a   especially through a campaign to improve
        cruise altitude of 41,000 feet.     world-class business aviation aircraft, but in   the availability of parts, which has been a
           Avanti EVO is ideal for any continental   its special mission capacity it also functions   source of frustration to operators. “There
        destination, while its ability to land on short   as a highly accomplished multi utility aircraft.   has been an issue of what parts are needed,
        or even semi prepared runways allows access   Avanti  EVO is  used  by the  armed  forces,   and when, by operators. But now, we are
        to peripheral airports and smaller airfields   government agencies and a diverse range of   reaching agreements with third party
        not served by scheduled flights.    private operators such as air ambulance units,   support  providers  to  ensure  that  what  is
           The upgraded Avanti also features new   photogrammetric patrol units for territorial   needed is available. We have also increased
        propeller  blades  that have reduced  noise   control and  environmental  protection.  It is   our investments world-wide for spare parts,”
        levels both externally and inside the cabin.   even for flight inspections.  he adds.

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