Page 12 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
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countries together represent 68 percent of on convenience,” the report said. “When presents significant challenges. For instance,
Asia’s population and more than 78 per cent selecting flights, convenient schedules and Indian business travelers demand digital
of the region’s expenditures for business direct flights are consistently ranked among services and are very willing to pay for these
travel. “Our survey of business travelers and the top three priorities across all segments.” and other add-ons from their own pockets.
discussions with corporate travel managers And in a clear message to airlines, features Indonesian business travelers are also
suggest that ABTs are becoming more that provide convenience and efficiency, willing to pay themselves for extras and place
demanding and autonomous,’’ McKinsey says. such as high-speed Wi-Fi, are top priorities. a high premium on emotional factors, such as
It adds that their choices are being shaped by In addition, most ABTs – 56 percent of the being made to feel important by their travel
their own leisure travel experiences, as well sample – view travel as a perk of their jobs providers. Singaporean business travelers
as evolving digital platforms and services, rather than an unwelcome requirement. One however, keep a tighter rein on their personal
more flexible travel policies, and shifting of the reasons for this may well be that air budgets, even as they yearn for comfort and
consumer preferences. And the trend is likely travel in Asia is relatively hassle free through luxury. Chinese business travelers on the
to continue as more Millennials, those born very modern airports and the in-flight service other hand place strong emphasis on service
between 1981 and 1995, join the market. is generally of a much higher standard that in and prestige, and, among the study sample,
The research, based on surveys, the US or Europe. Thus, it was not surprising were most amenable to mobile options.
quantitative and qualitative data, led to five to find that ABTs have a higher propensity Finally, the report says, Japanese
significant insights about ABTs. The first than business travelers in other regions to business travelers distinguish strongly
finding was that employee empowerment combine business and leisure travel with between work and leisure and are highly
is rising with 69 per cent of travelers saying respondents saying they are almost twice budget-conscious. McKinsey warns that
that they can choose a preferred airline, as likely to make a booking that includes “With such sharp differences in attitudes and
either from a pre- approved list of carriers a weekend compared with their European behaviours among Asian business travelers,
or without any restrictions. The second was peers. Almost 48 per cent said they were customisation and personalisation are
as expected that ABTs seek convenience and interested in extending business trips for critical to satisfying this market.” The fourth
crave travel experiences. “As with their peers leisure, with even higher proportions in India, finding is that ABTs fall into four distinct
globally, ABTs across all ages, countries, China, and Indonesia. However, the third groups, characterised by their preferences
and company types place a high priority finding of significant cultural differences and behaviour patterns says McKinsey.