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        is forecasted.” In all, by 2034, Bombardier   should be.” “With this technology, not only do   Bombardier, Embraer and Mitsubishi agree,
        believes the 60 to 150-seat aircraft segment   you (get) optimal speeds but, because it’s now   engines alone don’t complete the fuel cutting
        will grow by 15,000. From the get-go, Mullot   turning slower, it allows for a bigger fan. And   package for their aircraft. “The integration
        says the goal was to reduce fuel burn and   a bigger fan is far more efficient because air   of the engine and the wing is extraordinarily
        thus emissions significantly compared with   is pushed backwards at a lower speed. That   nice” in the CS100, Mullot says. “We use the
        in-service, in-production aircraft. Compared   makes for a far quieter engine, too, precisely   latest  in aerodynamic  technology in  order
        with the Airbus A318, for example, he says   because the speed of the air emanating from   to really reduce drag.” Drag and lift are
        flight tests confirm a 20 per cent fuel-burn   the fan is slower.”      constantly at war in aircraft design. ‘Drag’,
        improvement for the CS100.             This has practical implications, Mullot   as the name implies, is the aerodynamic
           Key to cutting consumption is the   says. “Take a 70 dB footprint around an   force that opposes  an aircraft’s movement
        powerplant, Pratt &  Whitney’s PurePower   airport, take the C Series and (ask): ‘Where   through the sky. Even powerful engines can
        PW1500G Geared Turbofan, a member of the   can you see that 70  dB limit around the   produce drag. Good design can mitigate it.
        engine-maker’s  PW1000G  family.  So,  fuel-  takeoff area? Usually (with the C Series) that   The aim is to integrate engines and wing,
        stingy is the engine that variants also power   noise  area  is  contained  within  the  airport   engines and airframe, so structures more
        Embraer’s E-Jet E2s and Mitsubishi’s MRJ.   limits.” For an equivalent-sized aircraft to   aerodynamically interact with one another.
        Embraer’s CEO Luis Carlos Affonso is a rated   the CS300, such as the 737-700, he asserts   Data from Embraer illustrate just how
        pilot  who  holds  a  degree  in  aeronautical   “the size of that noise footprint would be   consummate fuel burn reduction comes
        engineering.  That gives him an intimate   about four times larger.” To prove its prowess,   from looking at the whole aircraft. Affonso
        insight into how the geared turbofan differs   Bombardier took the CS100 to Stockholm’s   says the net installed product of Pratt’s
        from conventional fan-jet engines: “It’s called   Bromma Airport and put the hushed jet   powerplant is an 11 per cent reduction in
        ‘geared turbo-fan’, basically because there   through its paces. Bromma is a highly noise-  fuel burn. New wings — one for each for the
        is a gear, a reduction gear box, between the   sensitive airfield, which sits a scant a few   E175-E2, E190-E2 and E195-E2 — result in 3.5
        turbine and the fan,” he explains. The fan is   kilometers from downtown Stockholm.   per cent fuel savings. A fourth-generation ‘fly
        the big assembly just in front of the engine   The PW1000G family is comprised of   by wire’  (FBW) control  system  contributes
        and turbines. “Turbines like to turn fast,”   ultra-high-bypass powerplants with a bypass   1.5 per cent fuel savings. In fly by wire, the
        Affonso  says.  “They  are  more  efficient  if   ratio of 12:1. Affonso says many current fan-  pilots’ control inputs go to computers,
        they turn very fast.” But fans operate more   jet engines have a 6:1 bypass ratio.  That’s   which,  in turn, activate hydraulic  controls
        efficiently at slower speeds. “The (reduction)   why the Geared  Turbofan (GTF) marks a   connected to ailerons, elevators and rudder.
        gear allows the turbine and the fan to turn at   “huge increase in the bypass ratio … 12:1   This tweaking of the FBW means the E2s
        their own optimised speeds. If you don’t have   means twelve more (parts of) air are pushed   “can be designed with a centre of gravity
        a gear, you have a compromise solution: the   back by the fan, and just one portion is going   to the rear,” Affonso says. “With that, the
        (turbine turns) a little bit slower than it would   through the engine, through the combustion   downward force of the empennage (the tail)
        like to; and the fan is a little bit faster than it   chamber  turning the  turbines.”  But as   can be reduced.” That renders the empennage

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