Page 21 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 21

                                                                                            FEATURE REMOTE TOWER

        at seven Lithuanian and three Hungarian   Remote  Tower solution to the Norwegian   designed  for the  provision of  services
        airports in 2017.                   ANSP, Avinor. The solution includes an RTC   to locations that were not previously
           Saab has delivered the first Remote   and two connected airports in northern   economically viable, such as low volume
        Tower solution to the Swedish Air Navigation   Norway. The objective for Avinor is to move   airports, long periods of low traffic levels
        Service Providers (ANSP), LFV. The solution   into operational use in the near future. Two   such as night-time operations or airports
        includes an RTC and two connected airports   sites in the Netherlands – Schiphol and   with high seasonality impact. It can also be
        in northern Sweden.  The Saab Remote   Groningen – are also trialing it, while in the   deployed for dangerous or unpopular sites
        Tower system for LFV is now approved for   USA, Leesburg airport in  Virginia is also   like active military  theatres. The  offering  is
        operation, the first example of a remotely   assessing  it.  “Several  countries  including   also perfectly suited as a business continuity
        operated airport in the world.      Singapore have shown keen interest in   and disaster contingency support in case the
           According to Landin, in Australia Saab   the system as ANSPs, airport owners and   primary tower suffers a catastrophic failure,
        is currently implementing a remote tower   operators, and related stakeholders are   and where the ability to support increased
        solution for non-operational evaluation   facing growing pressure to reduce their   operations while maintaining existing staff
        to Alice Springs with the RTC in Adelaide,   operating costs for air traffic services while   levels is desirable,” says Donovan.
        some 1500 kilometers from the airport. The   maintaining safety and efficiency,” Landin   Thales has an added advantage as several
        airport,  serving  carriers  including  Qantas   adds.  Thales unveiled its remote tower   TopSky-ATC customers already leverage
        Airways Ltd. and Emirates Airline, was run   offering, an extension of  TopSky-ATC, its   its embedded remote centre capability in
        from a control tower 1,500 kilometers to   market-leading automation system in 2016.   order to deploy remote approach control or
        the south in Adelaide. Airservices Australia,   “We believe that many of the core functions   tower systems because they use the same
        the government entity that employs more   and capabilities that are needed for a remote   core processing, data and tools. TopSky-ATC
        than 1,000 controllers, is now evaluating   tower have an analogy or exact replica in the   which the offering extends from, is one of
        and potential deployment of this type of   air traffic control centers we already build,”   the most widely-deployed and flexible ATC
        technology. Saab has also delivered the   says Donovan. “Thales offering is specifically   automation systems in the world with 140
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