Page 18 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 18


        Expanding the Ecosystem

        Aequs sets sights on becoming the world’s largest detailed parts supplier

        INdIAN AEROSPACE PARTS MANUFACTURER                                     we received the Airbus Innovation Award
        Aequs has plans to grow into the largest                                and it was nice to be recognised by Airbus
        detailed parts supplier in the world.  The                              for what we have done.  We have managed
        company is now on a clear path to increase                              to bring in forging, machining, surface
        the revenues of its aerospace business from                             treatment, assembly process together.  We
        the  US$100  million  presently  to  US$300                             are one of a kind in what we do and have
        million by 2020. “We want to be the largest                             developed our capability in a strategic
        detailed parts supplier in the world and this                           fashion by using partners who are located all
        will be at the core of all our business growth                          over the world.
        plans. Our core focus is precision machining,”
        Aravind  Melligeri,  Chairman  &  CEO  Aequs                            Please elaborate on the work done for
        tells our Special Correspondent Atul                                    Airbus by Aequs?
        Chandra. The company has grown at a CAGR                                We work with Airbus and their subsidiaries
        of 55 percent over the last five years.                                 and started working with them in 2009.
                                                                                It was small order at the time worth
        What were the important developments at                                 US$200,000-300,000  dollars as they
        Aequs in 2016?                      foot facility in our SEZ that will supply the   wanted  to test  the  market.  We were  the
        2016 was an exciting year for us as we started   raw materials to us.   first supplier to be chosen in India, with
        expanding our ecosystem to the global                                   whom Airbus directly placed an order. So,
        level. In 2015 we had acquired a company   Please provide an update on your revenues   we started off in this fashion and continued
        in the U.S.A called  T&K technologies   and growth plans?               to grow with more contracts. Airbus went
        and in FY 17 (this fiscal year), we made   In terms of year-on-year growth we have   through a process of consolidation of its
        an acquisition in France with Sira SAS.   doubled our revenue. This year we are close   global supplier base and we are now one of
        Through the acquisition of Sira we brought   to US$100 million in revenue, compared to   the 13 partners chosen by Airbus for supply
        in landing gear capability, machine capability,   US$45 million last year.  We have already   of detailed parts and the only one in India. We
        engine component machining capability,   achieved about US$90 million this year and   get the first cut opportunity to take a look at
        primary  flight control  actuators  machining   we still have Feb and March to complete. We   the work that can be done, when Airbus looks
        capability and some aero engine fabrication   have been growing at a CAGR of 55 percent   to outsource detailed parts work. Knowing
        capability.  This was a great satisfaction   over the last five years. In October, last year   that we were going to expand, we set-up a
        to me when I look at our overall capability
        expansion phase in 2016.  This was a good
        start for us and we closed this transaction
        in April 2016. We also received an important
        contract from Airbus for supply of titanium
        detailed parts for pylon fittings for 100,000
        numbers. Following in the footsteps of these
        developments, we expanded our treatment
        facility and doubled its capacity, making it
        one of the largest facilities of its kind in the
        country today. In terms of surface treatment,
        we do pretty much all forms  of surface
        treatment for companies such as Airbus and
        Boeing and several other companies.  We
        have expanded our Special Economic Zone
        (SEZ) facility further bringing UK based All
        Metal Services (AMS) as a material supplier
        partner. They are now setting up a 40,000 sq
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