Page 19 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 19


        100,000 sq feet dedicated facility for Airbus   How do you see the future of Aequs?  happen in India as there is no inherent system
        and its subsidiaries at our SEZ in Belgaum,   We have a very clear path to get to US$300   or programme for it.  There  needs to be a
        Karnataka. It is already running at 50 percent   million in our aerospace business by 2020   framework for such incentives to be given to
        capacity within a year and we are adding   from the current US$100 million revenue.   the aerospace industry. Low cost capital, will
        more work as well.                  We believe that India brings best value   allow us to expand far more aggressively and
                                            when it comes to volumes and we are doing   bring in newer technology, enabling us to take
        Please elaborate on other customers and   the volume game. Basically, we are looking   a long-term view of the business.
        plans?                              at replicating  the  services business  for   We put the largest  hydraulic forging
        At Aequs we do a lot of detailed parts from   aerospace in India. Because this is when we   press in the country as part of a US$20
        titanium, aluminium, machining and some of   deliver the best value to customers. We want   million project for aerospace in our SEZ,
        the sheet metal work for Airbus. We also have   to be the largest detailed parts supplier in   with our French JV partner. After such a large
        aerostructure assembly in India, through our   the world and this will be at the core of all   investment, we are only now getting the first
        Joint Venture (JV) with Saab Aerospace and   our business growth plans. Our core focus is   revenue drips, six years after we started
        we currently producing the A380 fixed leading   precision machining. I have one million hours   the project in 2010.  The interest costs are
        edge assembly at this facility, for which we   of machining capacity today, this will rise to   high and the project will take approximately
        are the sole source supplier. We expect more   four million by 2020.    five years to reach an operating break-even.
        orders for this facility and are already winning                        We are doing these investments as we are
        additional orders for assemblies.  We are   What needs to be done to further   passionate about building our manufacturing
        also working on the forging side with Airbus   incentivise the growth of aerospace   ecosystem here in India and we are taking a
        for getting some forged machine products.   manufacturing in India?     very long term view of the market. But are
        Airbus is a prime customer in the sense that   I don’t see  ‘Make  in India’  making  much   there another 10 more companies willing to
        they can take advantage of all the facilities   of a difference on the ground, while the   do this? I don’t think so.
        we have, such as assembly work, forging   government  is  trying  to  improve  the  ease   Skilled workforce is something that
        machining work or just machining work.  We   of doing business in India, the reality of the   is always going to be a barrier especially
        have a number of companies that are talking   situation is, that in a manufacturing business,   for manufacturing and when we say ‘Make
        to us to make use of our facilities, we already   access to capital is the most important thing.   in India’.  There must be an incentive to
        work with Spirit Aerosystems from our U.S.   We need low cost capital and government   develop skills and I don’t see that right now
        facility, Safran from our French facility.  We   support on long-term projects is paramount   as  a benefit  to the  companies  directly.  We
        supply to UTC Aerospace Systems (UTAS)   for an industry like aerospace. I just don’t   have training programmes and we train our
        from all our locations.             see a conscious effort being taken for this to   personnel.
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