Page 53 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 53


           Capitalising on Interest

           The C Series is demonstrating higher than expected dispatch reliability with launch customers

           JEAN-PAUL BOUTIBOU (VP SALES                                        This has also led to the market moving
           Middle East & Africa) Bombardier                                    towards to aircraft in the 180-200 seat
           Commercial  Aircraft  in  an  interview                             category, which is creating a vacuum for
           with Maintenance Repair Overhaul, says                              an optimised solution in the 100-seat
           that Bombardier is looking to looking to                            category. Now if an airline wants to grow
           capitalise  on  growing  interest  in  the  C                       they have 2 options, use a bigger aircraft
           Series and further penetrate the African                            on a major route which they can fill up with
           market with its Q400 RTA.  The C Series                             passengers. Unfortunately, Boeing does
           offers a trip cost that is 18-20 percent                            not have yet a competitor to the A321. The
           lower than larger single-aisle aircraft and                         other option for airlines to grow is to address
           potential customers in the region will                              routes that can make them money while
           also  appreciate  the jetliner’s range  and                         carrying 80-100 passengers.  The value of
           performance ability to operate in a hot                             the C Series is to have the same economics
           and high environment.  The C Series will                            in terms of seat costs as compared to larger
           be able to operate from Riyadh to London   strong interest in operating the C Series.  aircraft but have a trip cost that is 18-20
           City non-stop as an example, and will allow   This allowed us to refocus on our   percent lower. The C Series has the range
           airlines new routes as they look for growth.   other platforms that are more suited for   and the performance to operate in a hot and
                                             operations in the MENA region. The Q400   high environment. For eg., it would have the
           Please elaborate on the developments   is a brilliant platform and an aircraft that I   range to carry passengers from Riyadh to
           related  to  Bombardier  Commercial   consider to be the 4X4 of aviation. It is an   London City non-stop, so you have a very
           Aircraft and the Middle East & Africa   aircraft that can adapt very well to various   versatile aircraft that will allow the airline
           that took place in 2016?          missions and harsh operating conditions,   to develop these new routes and look for
           What we tried to do in 2016 was refocus   for eg, hot and high operations in Ethiopia,   growth. If you compete on the same market,
           our campaign on our flagship product for   very difficult conditions in  Madagascar,   it impacts profits.
           the Middle-East and Africa  region which   In Algeria the Q400 operates in harsh
           is the Q400. Of course, the C Series is   environments on extremely long sector   What further improvements are planned
           an important platform for Bombardier   lengths of 3 hours. It is a unique aircraft,   for the Q400 fleet?
           but what matters is  making sure that   that has few competitors and in 2016 we   We have continuously improved the Q400
           we respond to the market with the right   brought back the focus on the Q400 in the   platform and will continue to do so. It
           product and the right platform and at   African continent and we could engage all   is the only turboprop that can seat 90
           the same time for Bombardier today we   our customers. There are a lot of operators   passengers.  What we can see in Africa
           need to have the right partner airline and   in the Middle-East who had previously   and from the operators in the Middle East
           operators to continue the growth of the   not considered the Q400 are now looking   that we are talking to, is the interest in a
           C Series platform. What I noticed when I   closely at the aircraft. We were successful   two-class version, with two toilets. It also
           joined Bombardier was that the focus was   in Tanzania and will look forward to repeat   has an APU.  These features are unique
           more on the C Series.             the combination of Q400 and C Series in   to our turboprop. The operators here are
              Our strategy has shifted because   other markets.                really looking at these features as well as
           today we have a lot of interest on the Q400                         the new CRJ cabin design and are asking if
           platform. The C Series entered service in 2016   Please elaborate on Bombardier’s plans   this would be transferable to the Q400 for
           and is performing way beyond expectations   for the C Series in the MENA region?  improved cabin appeal. We are not looking
           with SWISS and air Baltic and the dispatch   The category for which the C Series was   at an engine upgrade for the Q400 as our
           reliability has been higher than expected. We   developed and launched, addresses a   operators are happy with the performance
           are getting very positive feedback on the   market that none of the other aircraft    of the aircraft.  The aircraft performance
           CS100 and CS300. Now we need to capitalise   manufacturers have addressed before.   has always been well received when
           on strong operation partners than just finding   The existing single-aisle jetliners such as   compared to its competition. Unlike its
           anyone, so taking that into consideration, our   the A320 and 737 have been extremely   competitor, the Q400 can operate from
           campaign has been more selective and we   successful and address the requirements   Addis Ababa or Tamanrasset in Algeria, or
           have been looking at airlines that have a real   in the category for 150 seats and beyond.   on a route from Dakar to Conakry.

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