Page 52 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 52
TOP: The second A Check
performed on SWISS’s CS100 took
only 2.5 hours, compared to the five
hours taken for the first A Check
BOTTOM: The all composite wing
and Pratt & Whitney’s Power
PW1524G engines on the C Series
have contributed to the C Series
better than expected fuel burn
programme. However, at the end of the
development it was found out that the
company has achieved closer to 99 per cent
LRU commonality. This will also prove to
be a great advantage in regards to MROs,
as it will allow them to handle both aircraft
much more efficiently. Out of the first two
A Checks performed on SWISS’s CS100; the
first check took only five hours to complete,
while the second took only two and a half.
Airlines that decide to operate both versions
of the C Series, will also minimise their pilot
training costs. The same applies to training
of technicians as well. There will also be
savings in upfront investment in spares,
tools and ground support equipment. The C
Series aircraft incorporate a state-of-the-
art purpose built health monitoring system
featuring in-flight real time monitoring
composite wing manufacturing technique wing production facility in Belfast, and have (RTM) and on ground data management
uses a new process at Bombardier’s US$500 honed their repair processes and skills. This & analytics, providing customers with
million facility in Belfast, Northern Ireland. facility is a centre of excellence for advanced advance diagnostics supporting. An integral
These choices have paid off as the wing composite technology. part of the C Series aircraft design, ground
design has proven solid and the aircraft is The C Series aircraft has been developed system and support tools, the AHMS will
demonstrating better fuel burn performance with industry leading scheduled 800/8000 be available to operators at the aircraft’s
than originally anticipated. Commenting FH maintenance intervals support by entry into service. While C Series aircraft
on Bombardier’s Maintenance, Repair & Bombardier’s North American service operators will be the first to benefit from
Overhaul (MRO) activities for the high- centers network and in Europe with SAMCO the AHMS, Bombardier is currently also
tech composite wing, Todd Young from Aircraft Maintenance, Bombardier’s assessing the feasibility of developing
Bombardier Customer Services told MRO, authorized service facility (ASF). The CS100 health management systems specific to
“Our Mobile Repair Team (MRT) will provide and CS300 also have a very high level of other commercial in-development and in-
worldwide support, and will be themselves commonality and have a common type service aircraft models. These would be
supported by our Authorized Service rating. Bombardier had set a target of about based on the concepts currently utilised on
Facilities (ASFs). The MRT team has spent a 95 per cent Line Replacement Unit (LRU) the C Series AHMS.
considerable time working at Bombardier’s commonality throughout the development