Page 94 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 94


        A New Turkish Delight

        A  brAnd  new  Airshow  will  tAke
        place in Turkey from 2018. The first edition of
        Eurasia Airshow, which will be held in Antalya
        from April 25 to April 28 next year aims
        to create a  new business platform  for the
        aerospace industry in the region. The airshow
        seeks to consolidate business opportunities
        for the civil, commercial and defence
        aerospace markets in Eurasia. Speaking to
        Asian Airlines & Aerospace, Eurasia Airshow
        CEO Ferhat Yenibertiz says, “Eurasia Airshow
        will set awareness  about Turkey all around
        the globe.” Excerpts from the Interview:

        What is the contribution that Eurasia
        Airshow possesses for aviation industry in
        Turkey?                             In this regard, our project was conveyed to   accessibility and suitable weather conditions.
        The numbers of accumulative annual growth   Presidency of Turkish Republic.  The project   Another important reason for this preference
        rates in aviation industry and the high-quality   will be realized under aegis of our President   is the international  success of the G20
        adaptation of our country to this growth will   and  with his  full support.  Airshows feature   summit hosted in this same location. Antalya
        be crowned with Eurasia Airshow. This airshow   both civil and military flight demonstrations.   is one of the important tourism centers of
        possesses the quality that we can present to big   Within this context,  Turkish Armed Forces   Turkey and the world, which is also one of the
        organizations, in a position where we are more   General Staff, the Ministry of Foreign   factors that will draw the attention to the fair.
        than a mere participant but a great contributor.   Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense,
        We are meticulously harmonizing our plans with   the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs   Who are going to be participants in the
        global PR agent and all the preparations we   and Communication, the Undersecretariat   Eurasia Airshow? How many companies are
        propose for crisis and risk management with   of Defense Industry, General Directorate   expected to attend?
        all the global and country-wise realities. Such   of State Airports Operations, General   The attendance for Eurasia Airshow is
        an aggressive project grounding its roots in a   Directorate of Civil Aviation, and  Turkish   planned to have 70 per cent international
        globally tough year 2016 should be read through   Airlines are indispensable parts of this   and 30 per cent domestic participants. We
        very carefully. Eurasia Airshow is a completely   equation. Actually, when we look at the   will undertake a critical fieldwork during all
        international operation. It is an event that will   successful examples in the world, we see that   the exhibitions and conferences until April
        set awareness about Turkey all around the globe.  this ecosystem contributes to this process   2018, the date for the airshow. Germany and
                                            and creates a tremendous impression on it.   Israel demanded a reservation for national
        Who is organizing this event in Turkey?                                 participation in the airshow during the
        Eurasia Airshow will be organized by   Why Antalya?                     night of the launching of Farnborough 2016
        Medyacity, the organizer of HighTechPort   Eurasia Airshow will be held at Antalya   exhibition in July. We are expecting a whole
        that was held successfully for the third time    International Airport, one of the first three   participation of leading Airline companies,
        last November and also the GlobalSatShow   busiest airports in  Turkey with sufficient   both leading and side manufacturers in
        that was held in the same month.  As   infrastructure and size in terms of being able   the aerospace industry. Within the Antalya
        Medyacity, we will be bringing in another   to exhibit the flight capabilities of the major   International Airport, there will be a total
        both elite and enormous event to provide our   players of aviation and aerospace  industry.   of 300 thousand square meters of area,
        country with high added value and heightened   In this scale, Antalya has been selected in   50 thousand square meters closed, 65
        awareness in the international platform. In   accordance with the performance criteria   chalets and static exhibition area for more
        such events, it is critically important to be   comprising of technical and operational   than 100 planes. In addition to over 1000
        under auspices of the top state government.   infrastructure  availability,  meeting  military   international participants, more than 150
        In  Dubai,  these events  are  organized  by   aircraft technical requirements, ground   military and civilian delegations and more
        Maktoum Group. Similarly, there is top   handling  capacity,  entertainment  and  than 50 thousand visitors from more than
        government support in UK and France as well.   shopping facilities, accommodation capacity,   100 countries are targeted.
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