Page 90 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 90

        InduStry neWS And uPdAteS

                                                                                Iran Air Takes Delivery of Aircraft 1
                                                                                Out of 100 from Airbus
                                                                                Airbus has completed the delivery of the first
                                                                                airplane out of a 100-aircraft order placed
                                                                                with it by Iran’s national carrier, Iran Air. The
                                                                                aircraft delivered was an A321. Iran Air had
          Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines to Offer Broadband Internet on Short-  placed orders with Airbus for 46 A320 Family
          Haul Flights                                                          aircraft, 38 A330s and 16 A350s in December
          Lufthansa and Austrian will soon commence   is slated to commence the re-fitting of all   2016. Additional aircraft deliveries are
          testing with five aircraft each, access   31 aircraft to offer internet access before   expected to take place over the course of
          to free internet on its short-haul flights.   the end of April 2017. Eurowings has also   the year. Farhad Parvaresh, Iran Air Chairman
          Lufthansa received the Supplemental   announced plans to bring the Internet on   and CEO said, “This significant milestone
          Type Certificate for the Airbus fleet A320   board its aircraft and the service is planned   marks the first practical step in Iran Air’s
          from the European Aviation Safety Agency   to launched by the end of the first quarter   ambitious passenger aircraft fleet renewal
          (EASA), last year after undertaking the   2017. A total of 69 Eurowings aircraft    and its stronger presence in international civil
          necessary installations to offer internet   are  to  be  fitted  with  the  systems  by  the   aviation. Iranian travellers can be proud with
          on its aircraft. Lufthansa was the operator   summer of 2017.Lufthansa passengers can   our selection of the world’s most modern
          of the first commercial long haul flight   gain Wifi access to the Internet using their   single aisle aircraft.
          worldwide to have broadband Internet   own  mobile  devices  and  access  to  email
          access in January 2003. Passengers who   services and applications such as video   Honeywell GoDirect Fuel Efficiency
          fly on these aircraft will be offered free   streaming will be possible too. Market   Software Selected by JAL
          Internet use during this test phase. “I am   launch  of  the  new  service  is  scheduled   Japan Airlines has selected to deploy
          pleased that we can soon offer broadband   to take place sometime during the first   Honeywell’s  GoDirect  Fuel  Efficiency
          Internet to our passengers on inner-  quarter of the year.  The Internet service   software, to help decrease the carrier’s
          European flights, giving them the chance to   of Lufthansa Airlines and their technology   fuel consumption and costs, by monitoring
          have a seamless digital experience. Since   partner  Inmarsat  uses  the  latest  its current fuel consumption and identify
          the launch of Lufthansa Flynet, it has been   broadband satellite technology (Ka-band)   opportunities for fuel savings. “Typically, fuel
          our goal to offer added value on board to   and  provides  seamless,  reliable  coverage   consumption accounts for as much as 20 to
          our customers through innovation - and   on short haul and mid-range flights via   40 percent of an airline’s operating costs, and
          that also includes our Internet provision,”   the Inmarsat network Global Xpress   existing users of our GoDirect Fuel Efficiency
          said Harry Hohmeister, member of the   (GX). Inmarsat partner Deutsche Telekom   software have reported fuel savings of more
          Board of Directors of Deutsche Lufthansa   will be the Internet Service Provider for   than 2 percent annually,” said Jason Wissink,
          AG  and  responsible  for  Hub  Management.   Lufthansa passengers. Lufthansa restarted   senior sales director, Connectivity  Services,
          Lufthansa airplanes  fitted with internet   offering broadband Internet access on its   Honeywell Aerospace. “By gathering data
          access will increase to 20 in the first   inter-continental  flights  -  once  again  as   from various sources and providing an
          quarter of 2017 and its entire A320 fleet   worldwide first since end of 2010. FlyNet   analysis at every phase of flight, the GoDirect
          will be equipped to offer internet access   has been available on all 107 of Lufthansa   Fuel Efficiency software ensures that Japan
          by the middle of 2018. Austrian Airlines   long haul aircraft since June 2015.   Airlines can achieve fuel-efficiency target
                                                                                values and significantly reduce operational
                                                                                costs.” Amongst the recent customers
                                                                                for Honeywell’s GoDirect Fuel Efficiency
                                                                                software are Finnair, Etihad Airways and
                                                                                Turkish Airlines.

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