Page 33 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 33


          Irkut MC-21-300 Completes Maiden Flight
         The first flight of the MC-21-300
          commercial jetliner has been successfully
          accomplished by Irkut Corporation (a UAC
          member). The aircraft flew for 30 minutes
          and attained an altitude of 1000 meters
          and speed of 300 km/hour. Over the
          course of the maiden flight, the MC-21-
         300’s in-flight stability and controllability,
          was checked as was the controllability
          of the power plant. ‘’MC-21 is created
          in a wide cooperation, where together
          with Irkut, other enterprises of the
          United Aircraft Corporation are actively   Scoot Takes Delivery of New 787 Dreamliner
          participating, namely Aerocomposite   Low cost airline, Scoot, has taken delivery   the  ceremony. Scoot is  slated  to delivery
          company, Ulyanovsk and  Voronezh   of the Boeing  787-8,  named  “Mous-Scoot-  of four 787-8 Dreamliners fitted with crew
          aircraft plants, UAC Integration Center   Ka”  (named  after the  popular  Greek  dish   bunks in 2017. Each aircraft is configured
          in Moscow,” said  Yury Slyusar, President   Moussaka) during a handover ceremony   to accommodate 329 passengers with
          of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), on   at Boeing’s Everett Delivery Centre in   18  in the ScootBiz section.  In  comparison,
          completion  of  the  maiden  flight.  “This  is   Seattle, USA. “Our vision of serving not   Scoot’s 787-8 aircraft without crew bunks
          an important stage in the formation of   just passengers in the region, but also   are configured to accommodate 335 guests
          the new UAC industrial model. According   those beyond, is being realised with Mous-  with 21 ScootBiz seats. The overhead crew
          to our estimates, the global demand in the   Scoot-Ka and its fellow crew-bunk-fitted   rests with six bunks on the new aircraft
          MC-21 segment will be about 15,000 new   787 Dreamliners that will be joining our   ensure that crew members receive their
          aircraft in the next 20 years. I’m sure the   fleet this year. Scoot and our sister airline,   mandatory rest  during long-haul  flights,
          airlines will appreciate our new aircraft’,” he   Tigerair,  currently have  a strong  presence   which are usually crewed by a team of 10
          also emphasised. The MC-21-300 narrow-  in the Asia Pacific with a network of 59   to 11 cabin crew members as compared to a
          body jetliner will be able to accommodate   cities in 16 countries,” said Scoot CEO Lee   crew of eight for shorter-haul flights within
          between 163 to 211 passengers and will be   Lik Hsin, who represented the airline at   the region.
          available with two power plant options:
          Pratt &  Whitney’s PW1400G or PD-14   Construction Underway for Airbus Helicopters  Assembly Line in China
          from United Engine Corporation (Russia).   Construction is now underway for Airbus   said  Guillaume  Faury,  CEO  of  Airbus
          Irkut Corporation, reports 175 firm orders   Helicopters’ H135 Final Assembly Line (FAL),   Helicopters. “We are confident that this
          for the new jetliner.              that also marks a first for the  Western   project  will  achieve  a win-win  solution to
                                             helicopter industry in China. Located   fulfil the requirements of local customers
                                             Qingdao, Shandong Province, eastern   while supporting the development of crucial
            Subscribe to our                 China, construction of the FAL is slated   helicopter  services  for  the  benefit  of
            eNewsletter                      for completion in 2018.  “This ground   Chinese citizens.” 100 H135s are slated  for
                                             breaking is a remarkable milestone for
                                                                               assembly over the next 10 years as part of the
            Log on to:                       Airbus Helicopters’ global footprint and   framework agreement signed in June 2016
                 demonstrates our commitment to further   and the first helicopter is to be rolled out from
                                             enhancing our industrial cooperation with   Qingdao in mid-2019. The annual capacity of
                                             China’s rapidly growing aviation industry,”   the Qingdao FAL will be 18 H135 helicopters.

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