Page 34 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 34

COLUMN ShrUtidhar PaLiwaL

        Giving Wings to the

        Common Man’s Dream

           ndia’s decision to launch the UDAN (Ude   These are young adults who have the
           Desh ka Aam Nagrik – ‘Let the average   personality, poise, and the desire to get
           citizen fly’) will make air travel more   a break in the aviation industry but are
        Iaccessible and affordable to larger   handicapped by the high standard of English
        sections of Indian society, with subsidized   language skills demanded by the industry.
        fares in the region of approximately US$35   This is also a situation that is replicated
        (Rs 2,036) between Shimla and New Delhi.   with other countries in the region. In India
        The initiative is also expected to address the   for example, the boom areas of the aviation
        aspiration of thousands of young men and   industry have typically been the four metros
        women who are unable to break-out of the   and a few state capitals that also double
        vice-like grip of Tier 2 or 3 towns.  as tourist gateways. After all, how many   for the local population. However, it must
           India is now the third-largest domestic   new recruits can a single airport absorb?   be stressed, that the workforce needs to
        aviation market in the world and airlines in   The more determined of the bunch might   have access to quality training, if they are to
        the country are set to order large numbers   manage to make it to an airport in one of   be absorbed quickly into jobs with airports,
        of new airplanes in the coming years.  The   the major cities, only to spend the next few   airlines and ground operators.
        growth in traffic would put increased   years stuck in the backroom operations   A number of new initiatives have also
        pressure on airport operators as well as   doing baggage-handling or apron-side jobs   been undertaken by the Government in
        the government to quickly strengthen   that  have  little  or  no  customer  interaction.   India, which will help Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities
        the infrastructure by adding additional   The remainder end up opting for careers in   to fast track their progress by the new
        runways, terminals, increasing ground staff,   airport retail. None of these young adults,   developments of airports, shopping centres
        developing shopping and tourist areas in and   even with their perfect physical attributes   around the airports, and creating a pool of
        around the airports, and other supporting   will manage their dream of cabin-crew. All   new job opportunities. Airport operations
        infrastructure.  The availability of trained   because of a language barrier.   staff, aviation retail staff and even the
        personnel  is  vital  for  the  growth  of  the   In  this  regard,  India’s  regional  coveted  cabin  crew jobs  provide  the  ideal
        aviation industry in India and indeed in the   connectivity scheme, will benefit the aviation   employment  to  today’s  aspirational  young
        entire region and this has created enormous   industry as well by close connectivity in   adults, to fill fast opening spots.
        employment opportunities, but also requires   terms of accessibility and reach to the   We believe being bi-lingual is soon going
        the rapid creation of a skilled workforce, if   common man. A substantial number of new   to become a necessity for airlines to service
        the industry is to continue to grow.   airports are also to be built in India’s smaller   the UDAN customer in India. And this will
           To elaborate, Aptech Aviation is   cities and towns and this will not only kick-  fulfil several thousands of aspirations. No
        frequently challenged to place candidates   start the local economy but also become   job is going to be too big or too small as
        from our centres in the non-metro cities.   a source of high-quality and well-paid jobs   every position henceforth filled will be one
                                                                                of a purpose larger than the mere language
                                                                                barriers.  Taking root from the grass root
                                                                                levels in India, the regional connectivity
                                                                                scheme is expected to accelerate the
                                                                                necessary growth for India’s economy and
                                                                                a growing Indian travelling population, will
                                                                                also be of interest to other airlines from the

                                                                                Shrutidhar Paliwal is the  VP & Head Corp
                                                                                Communication at Aptech.
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