Page 9 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
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        the supply chain. In its Airbus:  Q1 preview   The big winner in the A350 stable is the -900   market size wise is the A330 / A330neo.
        -Beginning of a challenging year in order to   variant with a total of 612 orders of which 81   But Bernstein has concerns that the Airbus
        reach upside in 2018-19 report it states: “’But,   have been delivered. The weak spot has been   pitch of it [A330neo] provides most of the
        we believe the most important issues on   the A350-800 with technically only 6 orders   performance of Boeing’s 787, but at a lower
        the A350 are getting costs down to planned   remaining for Asiana. It is expected these   price  is  not  getting  the  traction.  “Although
        levels this year and for deliveries to stay   will be transferred to the -900 model or the   we understand a number of campaigns
        on schedule. Management has expressed   A330neo. The backlog for the -800 peaked   are underway, we have not seen much
        confidence that the A350 can reach is goal   at 182 in 2008, but has been all but wiped   conversion to orders,” a May 15 report states.
        of going into the factory at 10/month by the   out as most customers have switched to the   It expresses concerns that the RR  Trent
        end of 2017. As part of this effort, Airbus   larger -900. Airbus officially dropped the   7000 engine is well behind schedule and the
        has  indicated  plans  to  make  working  capital   -800 after launching the A330neo at the 2014   A330neo should have had first flight in late
        investment in critical part inventories, in order   Farnborough Air Show. Its main competitor is   2016 and now it has slipped well into summer
        to  smooth  the  final  assembly  and  delivery   the Boeing 787 and that aircraft’s troubles are   this year. “The engine delays appear to follow
        process. Interiors remain an important issue,   now well behind it – although never forgotten.   from the delays on the  Trent1000-TEN
        with our understanding that Zodiac is still and   As at late April Boeing had delivered 541 787s,   engine for the 787. That engine finally flew
        issue.  The Zodiac situation is compounded   (334 -8s and 207 -9s) and had a backlog of 672   on the 787 in April. The Trent 7000 relies on
        by the planned acquisition of Zodiac by   made up of 89 -8s, 434 -9s and 149 -10s. Those   Trent 1000-TEN technology.”  Bernstein also
        Safran, which is not set to close until 2018.   numbers do not include the commitment   sees the A330neos order book as weak with
        The concern is that Zodiac management may   announced in February by Singapore Airlines   “115 of the 210 orders either to a lessor or for
        not be fully incentivized to drive performance   in for a further 19 787-10s to add to the 30 it   AirAsiaX, plus 28 orders to Iran Air.” Airbus
        improvement  during  this  interim  period.   ordered in 2013. Production is sitting at 12 a   has outstanding orders for 131 A330ceos.
        Recent poor operating results at Zodiac have   month with the 550th delivered to Hainan
        added to these concerns. Still, we expect that   Airlines which also announced at the delivery
        Airbus will be able to  manage  through  the   it would buy an additional 13 787-9s.
        interiors issues this year.”           And earlier this year Boeing President
                                            and  CEO  Dennis  Muilenburg  said  that  “our   toP:  Airbus is pitching the
        Demand & Supply                     confidence at being able to operate at 12/  A330neo as being to deliver most
        The Bernstein report also states, that there   mo is high,” on the 787. “There is a significant   of the performance of Boeing’s 787,
                                                                                but at a lower price. The A330neo
        is, “Some risk to the A350-1000, which has a   wide-body replacement cycle coming in   has an orderbook for 210 airplanes
        relatively weak order book (211) and needs   the next decade. There is a 20-year demand
        to ensure that the Trent 1000 fully delivers   for 9,000 wide-bodies.  The 787 and 777   LeFt: Singapore Airlines now has a
                                                                                fleet of 11 A350-900s and is slated
        on fuel burn in order to guarantee range.”   lines are well-positioned.” Battling the 787   to receive ten A350-900s and have
        That range is 7990nm with 366 pax and bags.   – quite effectively – at the lower end of the   them all in service by 31 March 2018
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