Page 14 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 14


        Telling Statistics

        Demand for air cargo transport is clearly rising, not just in the U.S. but worldwide
        By Jay Menon

        tHe WorLdWide groWtH in e-CommerCe   Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO.  statistic is that 70 per cent of online sales has
        has clearly boosted the importance of air   Demand for air cargo transport is clearly   an international component, be it buying a
        cargo as online retail stores, especially those   rising, not just in the U.S. but worldwide.   product from a different country or buying a
        selling fashion items, have become the major   Russia, for example, saw a 30 per cent   product that has an international production
        source of revenue for the airfreight market.   annual increase while cities like Singapore   line.  That’s good news for air cargo, the
        Growth in worldwide air cargo traffic reached   and Dubai see a 6.3 per cent and 3.4 per cent   obvious way to get goods and components
        its highest level in nearly seven years as   increase, respectively. Carriers in Europe and   across borders, quickly and safely. Trade is
        March Freight  Tonne Kilometres (FTK)   Asia, which combined carry 61 per cent of   no longer about finished goods, producing
        expanded 14 per cent compared to a year   the world’s air freight, had strong showings   in one country, shipping to another. Rather,
        ago, according to IATA’s March Air Freight   in March, as freight traffic demand in each   countries now specialise in specific areas
        Market analysis. Freight capacity increased   region rose 18.2 per cent and 13.6 per cent   and components, a process made easier by
        4.2 per cent during the month, leading to a   respectively, year-over-year (YOY). European   increasing trade facilitation, says a report in
        total market freight load factor of 47.4 per   carriers’ capacity grew 6.7 per cent, for a 50.8   Airlines International magazine an exclusive
        cent, up 4.1 points year-over-year.  per cent freight load factor, up 4.9 points YOY.   media brand of IATA.
           “It’s been a good start to the year for   Asia-Pacific carriers’ freight capacity was up   Foreseeing the emerging trend, Amazon
        air cargo. Demand growth accelerated in   4.8 per cent; the region’s freight load factor   last year unveiled its first branded cargo
        January, bolstered by strengthening export   increased by 4.4 points YOY to 57 per cent.  plane, in a bid to speed up and take more
        orders. And that outpaced the capacity                                  control of its delivery process. The “Amazon
        growth  which  should  be  positive  for  yields.  Online Spending      One” is a Boeing 767-300, operated by
        And, longer-term, the entry into force of   As popular as e-commerce seems today,   Amazon’s air cargo provider Atlas Air. It is
        the  Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA)   online retailing represented 7.4 per cent   one of 40 aircraft that the company plans
        will cut red tape at the borders for faster,   of total retail sales in 2016, according to   to lease from Atlas Air and ATSG. Currently
        cheaper and easier trade.  The onus is now   Invesp. But by 2018, it will be 8.8 per cent   there are about a dozen dedicated planes
        on the industry to seize the opportunity to   with  the  extraordinary  growth  curve  set  to   flying for Amazon with the additional planes
        accelerate the modernization of processes   continue. One forecast has US$4 trillion   rolling out over the next few years. “Creating
        to make air cargo an even more compelling   being spent online by 2020, close to 15 per   an air transportation network is expanding
        option  for  shippers,” says  Alexandre de   cent of total retail sales.  The most telling   our capacity to ensure great delivery speeds

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