Page 11 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 11


        LeFt: Airbus has accelerated
        deliveries of the A320neo and
        Indian LCC IndiGo which was
        the first operator of the type
        has reported a fuel  efficiency
        improvement of 15 percent as
        compared to its A320 Classics

        rigHt: Airbus  expects  50  percent
        of its NEO deliveries to be for the
        A321.  The A321neo is also two
        meters longer than the 737MAX-
        9, which allows it to have two more
        rows of seats

        and some large order cancellations,   Corp said at a ceremony in Shanghai the   says it believes that Airbus has a “modest
        have prompted a pull-back on confident   venture would aim to build a “competitive   advantage  over  Boeing  in  narrow-bodies”
        production  expansions  planned  by  regional   long range wide-body commercial aircraft”.   which results from the fact that the A321neo
        aircraft makers outlined just a few years ago,”   First announced in 2014, the two companies   is two meters longer than the 737MAX-9,
        CoA said. “Turboprop sales boomed when oil   have  set  up  a  joint  venture  in  Shanghai.  A   enabling it to have two more rows of seats.
        prices peaked, but demand has dried up over   mock-up of the basic version of the jet has   In a twist, it says “for airlines that can fill a
        the past two years and backlogs are falling   been unveiled that would have a range of up   larger narrow-body, this means that the seat-
        again. ATR’s firm order backlog is solid out   to 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles) and seat   mile economics are better for the A321. But,
        to 2019 at current production rates, and the   280 passengers. The design is pitched at the   for airlines in the more traditional part of
        company is waiting on some large orders.   A350 and 787 and UAC President Yuri Slyusar   the narrow-body market (150-170 seats), the
        Bombardier’s Q400 backlog is less than a   said the firms hoped to secure 10 per cent of   737MAX-8 is more attractive than the A320.
        third of ATR’s and even at reduced rates, the   the market. First flight and deliveries are set   This is because the MAX-8 is two meters
        backlog is now equivalent to less than two   for the second half of the next decade.  longer than the A320neo and, hence, can
        years’ production. Regional jet markets are                             handle two more rows of seats.”
        firmer, particularly the C Series and the E-Jet  The Next Big Thing       Bernstein notes that A321 was much
        E-2 families.”                      Possibly of greatest interest is the so-called   less of a threat to Boeing with the previous
           Bombardier had two marquee orders in   middle of the market segment (MOM) that   engines  (A321ceo)  because  it  was  short  on
        2016, (Delta and Air Canada) pushing the C   Boeing is mulling to combat the A320neo.   range but the A321neo “is a very competitive
        Series backlog past 350 aircraft, although   Will it be a 737-styled response or more a 787   airplane.” While it is true as Boeing argues that
        upwards  of  80  orders  still  have  question   type or a combination of both? Wall Street   it is better-positioned than Airbus because
        marks over them claims CoA. “Meanwhile,   analysts Berstein suggest the 737 MAX10   the 737MAX-8 / A320-size airplane is “the
        Embraer continues to accumulate small   is a near certainty at least. In its May 15   heart of the market,” more and more airlines
        E-Jet E2 orders, taking the backlog for the   report Airbus, Boeing: Critical issues, part 2   do require a higher capacity aircraft for some
        updated aircraft to nearly 400.” Away from   -The products; Middle of Market? A321neo   routes and times  of the day.  In fact,  Airbus
        the traditional manufacturers, flight testing   versus MAX? Engine challenges; A330neo   expects 50 per cent of its deliveries to move
        of the Chinese C919 is underway and the   it  says,  “although  Boeing  has  not  formally   to this larger size variant and if that is the
        Russian  Irkut  MC-21  has  just  completed  its   launched the MAX-10 stretch version of its   case Boeing has a problem says Bernstein.
        maiden  flight. China  and Russia recently   narrowbody family, we believe the launch is   “We believe that Boeing has come to the
        announced their collaboration on a new   likely once customer orders are confirmed.”   realisation that the A321neo is a problem for
        US$15 billion medium range widebody   It raises an interesting dynamic that while   them, which has led to Boeing’s move to the
        programme. Reuters reported on May 23   both manufacturers are booked out for the   MAX-10, which adds just under two meters to
        that state plane makers Commercial Aircraft   next five years “there are real questions in   the 737MAX-9. We think this stretch largely
        Corp of China and Russia’s United Aircraft    market shares beyond that point.” Bernstein   neutralizes the advantage of the A321neo
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