Page 20 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
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Maintenance Repair Overhaul
to such growth are still widely recognised to management, prompt implementation of to airlines on the provision of PNR data
be the continuing proliferation of restrictive recognised international standards and before implementation of such measures.
government policies, excessive taxes & charges procedures, and best operational practices Finally, AAPA called on government agencies
and a lack of shared vision for the industry.” in order to avoid unnecessary congestion, to work with all industry stakeholders,
AAPA passed several resolutions delays and inconvenience to the travelling including airlines, to allow for sufficient time
regarding concerning issues – aviation public. The Association urged governments for the implementation of any new border
security, environment, infrastructure, slots, to think beyond national borders and commit control measures.
passenger facilitation & privacy laws, and to the development and implementation Taxes and Charges: Airlines and the
taxes & charges. of enhanced Asia Pacific air traffic flow travelling public today already bear the burden
Security: With threats and challenges to management systems. of numerous taxes and charges imposed by
aviation security constantly evolving, AAPA Slots: Almost half of all passengers today governments, monopolistic service providers
called on the government to strengthen globally fly through 179 slot-coordinated and other agencies. AAPA renewed the call
multilateral cooperation, in conjunction with airports, of which 37 are in the Asia Pacific on governments to carefully consider the
the International Civil Aviation Organization region, with the number projected to overall economic effects of putting further
(ICAO), and to work together more closely rise as traffic demand continues to grow. financial strain on the travelling public and
with industry in further developing aviation AAPA called on governments and slot on the aviation industry, and to refrain from
security measures. coordinators to optimize the use of scarce increasing the burden of aviation levies in any
Environment: In the Asia Pacific region, airport capacity by managing the allocation form. The Association went further in calling
which is already the world’s largest aviation of slots in an independent, transparent, fair on governments to avoid the imposition
market, airlines continue to make significant and nondiscriminatory manner in line with of unjustified or discriminatory taxes on
investments in modern aircraft and engines ICAO guidance and established international international aviation, in contravention of
which will offer CO2 emission reductions. The standards and procedures. ICAO policies. AAPA members acknowledge
Association further called on governments to Passenger Facilitation and Privacy Laws: that they are stronger together in collectively
adopt International Civil Aviation Organization AAPA called on governments to recognize challenging excessive government
(ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction the international legal implications arising intervention that prevents the industry from
Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) from the provision of PNR data by airlines, reaching its full potential.
Standards and Recommended Practices in an taking into consideration the need for airlines
expeditious manner and support associated to comply with a multiplicity of privacy laws
capacity building efforts to ensure the timely across different jurisdictions. In addition, Asia Pacific airlines are at
implementation of CORSIA. the Association called on governments to the forefront of the industry
Infrastructure: AAPA renewed the engage in greater cross-border cooperation, developments and are continuously Robot Run
call on Asian governments to commit to including the conclusion of bilateral adapting their business models to
cater to the new dynamics of the
further investments in efficient air traffic agreements, so as to provide legal certainty marketplace