Page 19 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 19

                                                                                          MRO CO
                                                                                                 VER S
           The mature US$17 billion-US$19 billion   for the MRO sector. With the entry of new   China’s Growth May Be a Boon
        European market will remain more or less   generation aircraft, the company has made   The continued and rapid increase of fleet
        stagnant, with spending in Eastern Europe   big data analytics one of its top priorities.   size  in  Asia  is  likely  to  create  opportunities
        growing  at  a modest  rate  of  0.7  percent   The company’s PROGNOS offers a bunch of   for MRO companies in the Europe and North
        and Western Europe doing comparatively   solutions that improve maintenance models   America,  say  experts.  Acquisition  of  new
        better by growing at a rate 1.6 percent,   and processes by using data from aircraft    technical skills and additional capacity will,
        adding US$3.1 billion to its current US$17.5   systems.  The PROGNOS Engine Health   however, be required to take advantage of the
        billion market.                     Monitoring (EHM) software does statistical   situation.
                                            analyses of engine data to enable dynamic   Carriers around the world currently
        The Coming of Age of LCCs           monitoring and predict failures using an   send about 30 percent of wide-body heavy
        Being in  a crowded and  tightly competitive   early warning system.  Another AFI KLM   airframe maintenance needs to the region.
        market, MROs in Europe have been forced   E&M initiative is PROGNOS A380, the early   Asia’s fleet growth, particularly China’s, is such
        to get their pricing right or risk being left    warning and failure monitoring software   that MRO companies in the region are likely, in
        behind.  Providing quality at a modest price   used for the A380’s systems. Not all the focus   the not too distant future, to find themselves
        becomes more imperative as carriers all   is on investing in new technology. According   so busy that they will not be able to handle all
        over the word, with the exception of those   to Romain Helmer, AFI KLM E&M VP Sales,   the wide-body heavy airframe maintenance
        in North America, are struggling financially.   Europe & Key Accounts, the company is   work that they now are dealing with. It is not
        With low-cost carriers being the main driver   also “preserving and beefing up its existing   a coincidence that MRO companies in Europe
        of passenger growth and trending worldwide,   platforms  by  continuing  to  innovate  to   have already started to expand facilities and
        the MRO industry will have to get used to the   find  the most reliable  and economic repair   position themselves closer to Asia a base for
        new normal.                         solutions, and by exploring low-cost   a part of their operations.
           Low cost carriers (LCCs) have overtaken   replacement solutions for unserviceable   Another factor that is likely to work in
        legacy carriers in Europe, according to   parts. “In December last year, the company   favor of companies in Europe and other parts
        Netherlands-based  VZM  Management  opened a new materials and logistics service   of the globe is that the disparity between
        Services’ March 2017 market outlook report.   center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to better   labor rates in Asia and other parts of the
        The seat capacity of LCCs grew about 70   serve Asia-Pacific carriers.  The company,   world is slowly becoming a thing of the past.
        percent from 2012-2017.             which has component facilities in Shanghai   This leveling of the playing field, along with
           In a sign of things to come, Ryanair, the   and Mumbai, has also signed a Memorandum   the wide-body heavy airframe maintenance
        Irish low cost airline, carried more passengers   of Understanding with Safran Aircraft    work that Asian MROs won’t be able to
        than Lufthansa last year, forcing the German   Engines to create a joint company in France   handle, will benefit experienced companies
        airline to expand Eurowings to ward off    for the repair of aircraft engine compressor   with a proven track record of delivering
        competition from other LCCs. Norwegian,   blades. The proposed unit is expected to reach   high-quality service on time, something that
        which  had  entered  into  discussions  with   full production capacity in 2020.Even before   Europe does not lack.
        Ryanair for a flight connection agreement,   China-based HNA Aviation announced plans
        recently announced a similar partnership   to acquire 80 percent stakes in the company,   Paucity of Skilled Manpower
        with easyJet, another LCC.          Switzerland-based SR Technics was steadily   According to experts, MRO companies in
           Caroline Vandedrinck,  SR  Technics Vice   expanding its global presence and now has   Western Europe have been having a hard
        President (Americas), is of the opinion that   plans to expand its Malta operations. “We   time finding and retaining technicians and
        cost is just one of the factors that influence   have global facilities,” says Vandedrinck.  “ We   specialists.  While some companies are yet
        decision-making by carriers on the right MRO   have facilities in Malaysia, Ireland and Malta;   to get out of panic mode, a few others have
        partner. “It is about quality, turnaround time   we are not just concentrated in Switzerland.   been investing with an eye on the future.
        and cost,” says Vandedrinck. “In order to be   Our prices, just like anyone else’s, are market-  Late last year, SR Technics, which had been
        competitive, the company needs to have   driven. It does not matter what our cost is,   providing employees of various Middle East
        solutions tailored to the customers’ needs   it depends on what the customer needs   carriers with basic maintenance training and
        and be creative. One solution does not fit all.”  and what our competitors are offering.”      type rating training, opened a training center
                                            Lufthansa Technik (LHT) has also announced   in Abu Dhabi that offers technical training.
        Innovating and Partnering to Success  plans to expand, including building an engine   The dearth of skilled manpower, however,
        Among the companies that are adapting to   service center in Poland as part of a joint   is not an issue faced only by European MRO
        the changing situations is AFI KLM E&M.   venture with GE Aviation. In February this   companies. A CAVOK study presented
        Not long after it launched “The MRO Lab -   year, the company said it would set up a joint   at MRO Americas earlier this year drew
        Adaptive Innovations” program brand, the   venture company with MTU Aero Engines for   participants’ attention to a crisis that is
        company announced MRO Lab Singapore, a   the repair and overhaul of geared turbofan   staring US MRO companies right in the face.
        partnership with RAMCO Systems, the India-  (GTF) engines. The company is expected to be   The median age of the 86,000 maintenance
        headquartered supplier of software systems   up and running by 2020.    technicians in the country is 51, nearly 9 years
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