Page 14 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 14
Change is in the Air
Clean Sky 2 will deliver breakthrough aviation technologies
By Atul Chandra
the europeAn AviAtion reseArCh of technological leadership. Ambitious
partnerships, Clean Sky and Single European environmental targets have hence been set
Sky ATM Research (SESAR) are celebrating for the future as part of Flightpath 2050,
their 10th year since inception. The impact which aims to cut CO2 emissions by 75
of Clean Sky which started in 2008, has been percent and reduce NOx emissions by 90
dramatic; 20 large demonstrators having percent (as compared to the year 2000).
already been completed with participation Many of the technologies developed as part
from 600 participants in 24 European of Clean Sky 2 will make widespread use
countries. Half of the overall Clean Sky of emerging technologies such as Additive
budget of 1.6 billion euros was funded by Layer Manufacturing (3D printing) and are
the European Union (EU). Clean Sky 2, which also likely to be produced in the factory of
is now underway is part of the EU’s Horizon the future.
2020 Framework Programme. It is the largest
aviation research programme to be launched BLADE
in Europe. With a budget of €4 billion over Breakthrough Laminar Aircraft
2017 to 2024, Clean Sky 2 is more ambitious Demonstrator in Europe (BLADE) is part
in scope as well. It is expected to result in of Clean Sky’s Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft
significant future advances in areas such as programme. The demonstrator aircraft was
laminar wings, more electrical aircraft, hybrid rolled out in September and is slated to make
propulsion, lighter rotorcraft, composite its maiden flight from Brussels in October.
The first flight of the Breakthrough regional planes, and new materials and An Airbus A340-400 with serial number
Laminar Aircraft Demonstrator in applications. MSN001 (the first A340 prototype) was used
Europe (BLADE) will take place in These advances are particularly as the donor aircraft and its outer wing was
October. The donor aircraft was
A340-400 MSN001, which is the important for the aviation sector, which is of replaced with two wing panels developed by
first A340 prototype vital importance to Europe and its position SAAB and GKN. It would not be out of place