Page 5 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 5


                                            Cover storY Air FAres
                                            06 | In the Consumer Interest

                                            Airlines are providing more for less, contrary to public opinion
                                            Cover storY CABin design
                                            10 | Value Proposition
         10                                 Cabin offerings need to be continuously reimagined to meet expectations

                                            14 | Change is in the Air

          14                                Clean Sky 2 will deliver breakthrough aviation technologies

                                            Mro JulY-septeMBer pull out
                                            18 |  At the Crossroads

                                            Growth is expected to be slow in the mature European MRO market
                              22            intervieW
                                            21 |  Growing Reach
                                            SR Technics acquisition by HNA will help its expansion into the Asia Pacific market

                                            22 |  Increased Intelligence

                                            Smart aircraft drives MRO industry

                                            24 |  Standing Up

                                            The use of composite materials holds many challenges for MRO-companies
                                            28 |  MRO News
                               24           rotArY Wing

                                            30 |  Settling into Hover

          30                                The Asian rotorcraft market has stabilised in 2017, however, growth may take a while
                                            pilot trAining
                                            34 |  Eye on the Future

                                            As shortage looms, industry gears up with robust training system

                                            36 |  Iran: Next Aviation Super Power?

                                            Airports mega projects represent opportunities for global manufacturers and supply chain
                                            38 |  News
                                            42 |  Column
                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                  SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2017  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  5
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