Page 7 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 7


           Most legacy airlines have changed their   while  the average  weekly  earnings  were   but a check of the seat plans reveal more
        pricing model – thanks to computerisation   A$32.30.  Translated  into  today’s  average   rows than those of the early 70s.  The fact
        –  to  both  offer  a  tailored  product  and  to   weekly earnings of A$1575, the equivalent   is that the economy space on a widebody
        compete with Ultra Low-Cost Carriers that   pricing is a return fare of A$65,536 and   aircraft  has reduced by  13.7  per cent  since
        offer  rock  bottom  fares.  The  reality  is  that   A$52,385 respectively! On international   the introduction of the 747 in 1970. However,
        they have no choice because surveys show   routes, the two cabin classes of 1955 have   the number of weeks required to earn the
        that 70 per cent of travelers cite price as the   been replaced in most cases by four, with   economy return fare over the same period
        main driver in their choice of airline.  With   Business Class introduced by Qantas in 1979   has plummeted by a staggering 91 per cent.
        global travel websites ranking airlines by price,   and Premium Economy added by British   The Business Class equation, however, has a
        legacy carriers must have a low-ball product   Caledonian in the early 1980s.  twist. In the early 1980s, the return fare from
        to figure in the website rankings. Long gone   The two most significant falls in fares   Sydney to London was around A$1,600 or
        are the days of travel agents being the main   occurred in the 1960s, when jet travel   seven weeks’ salary whereas today the fare
        source for booking passengers. Airlines argue,   became widespread, and then in the 1970s   is around 5.50 weeks’ salary - a seemingly
        correctly, that these days one size certainly   with  the  introduction  of  the  747,  DC-10,   modest reduction. However, what has
        does not fit all when it comes to product   Tristar  and A300.    The  Sydney-to-London   changed is the space, which has more than
        and fares.  Whereas once travelers had two   economy fare fell 45 per cent between 1959   doubled from a basic seat (DC-9 first class
        choices of First and Tourist (Economy) class   - 1970 and plunged 64 per cent over the next   seat) to a lie flat bed or suite. Expressed
        with the same fare levels year-round, today   10 years as airlines took delivery of widebody   in a dollar per cubic foot measure over the
        passengers are faced with a mind-numbing   equipment.  In the 1970s, the late Sir Freddie   same period, the cost of business class has
        array of product and fare options.   Laker introduced mass travel on DC-10s,   dropped 63 per cent.
                                            prompting traditional airlines, which were
        Are We Really Being Squeezed?       facing competition, to add more seats to their  Premium Economy Has Emerged as a
        Certainly, the space in economy is less but   aircraft to compete or ward off the threat. All  Real Value Leader
        countering that, the options for economy   747 operators increased the number of seats   Introduced by British Caledonian, PY gained
        passengers have never been greater. An   by reducing the distance between rows and   wider momentum in the last decade as
        Asian  Airlines  and  Aerospace  study  of  the   adding a seat across the width.  Initially the   airlines realised that seats would be filled not
        Sydney to London air route – which has been   747 had a 3-4-2 configuration with seats set   by  downgrading  business  class  passengers
        liberalised  but never  de-regulated - shows   at about 34 inches apart in economy. Today,   but by upscaling economy passengers
        extraordinary declines in airfares since 1955.   that has shrunk to 31 or 32 inches. Likewise,   looking  for  some  separation  and extra
        In a first, the study also looks at the reduction   the generous 2-4-2 configurations on DC-10s   legroom  room. Premium  Economy has  also
        or increase in space of each class. In 1955, the   and Tristars have given way to 2-5-2 layouts.  declined in price. In 2000, the return PY fare
        First Class return fare to London was A$1344   Airlines claim the seat pitch has been   to London was A$4000 or five weeks’ average
        and Economy a little cheaper at A$1074.30   maintained as current seats are thinner,   earnings. Today, it is A$3,600 or just over two

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