Page 10 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 10


        Value Proposition

        Cabin offerings need to be continuously reimagined to meet changing expectations
        By Geoffrey Thomas and Steve Creedy

        on  the deliverY  Flight oF  the  First   premium airlines have been way too slow to   Skycouch.  And  rather  than  just  a  handful
        Boeing 777-300 in 1997, I had the opportunity   adopt mid-priced seating products that can   of PY seats its Boeing 777-300ERs have 44
        to spend an  hour with  then Cathay  Pacific   significantly raise revenue.  premium economy seats – more than SQ,
        Airways Chairman the late Peter Sutch   It would be another 15 years (2012) before   Qantas or CX fit to their aircraft.
        discussing class warfare. We were seated in   Cathay Pacific introduced PY and for Qantas
        an empty economy cabin with a bottle of fine   11 years (2008). And Singapore Airlines was  A Change in Preferences
        red and tossed about the virtues - or not - of   a very late adopter, only adding the class in   Even slower off the mark is long haul
        premium economy – a class then in its infancy.   2015. Singapore Airlines resisted the trend   champion Emirates and it and some of its
        My pitch, being 174cm in height, was there   arguing to the author, several times, that   middle east competitors are now scrambling
        was  a  need?  and  that  economy  passengers   its economy class was as good as premium   to develop a new PY to increase revenue. Last
        would upgrade. Sutch liked the concept and   economy which of course it was not. But   year Emirates’ chairman and chief executive,
        asked  me  to  develop  a  submission  which   better late than never; the airline has added   Sheikh Ahmed  bin Saeed  Al Maktoum,
        was duly  completed. But  despite Sutch’s   PY to its A380s, A350s and 19 Boeing 777-  lamented  that “the bleak  global economic
        enthusiasm his commercial department   300ERs. Its PY product is excellent and the   outlook appears to be the new norm, with
        feared that rather than Y going up to PY, C   seats are set at 38-inches, with eight inches   no  immediate  resolution  in  sight.”  But  the
        would come down and destroy the airline’s   of recline, with a width of 18.5 to 19.5 inches   warning signs have been there for a while
        cash cow Business Class.  The same pitch   of width (depending on the aircraft). All   suggests Sir  Tim Clark Emirates President.
        was made to then Qantas CEO James Strong   these Asia/Pacific airlines were prompted   “I see a change in the way corporate business
        who voiced the same concerns.  The reality   by the experience of Air New Zealand which   is going to develop which of course will
        is however, that everyone wants a reason to   added the class from 2005 and quickly had   affect our yields because the high-end stuff
        upgrade and virtually no-one wants to down   to expand the number of seats. That airline   isn’t going to come through as it was in the
        grade. And the other reality is that the airline   appears to have hit the sweet spot with its   good old days,” Clark, told International Air
        executives making these decisions rarely   offering with Business Premier, Premium   Transport Association (IATA) at the 2016 AGM
        travel in the back of the bus and thus many   Economy  and Economy  with the  famous   in Dublin.  He noted that while passenger

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