Page 18 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018 Online Magazine
P. 18
Europe (EME Aero). Both compa- The company is working to fur- maintenance.”
nies hold a 50 percent stake in the ther leverage more than 15 years The GTF engine makes use
new company, which will be based of investments already made of an entirely new engine archi-
in Poland. MTU is a key production into its Advanced Diagnostics tecture, utilising a revolutionary
partner for GTF engines, with an & Engine Management (ADEM) reduction gearbox between the
18 percent production workshare tool that will allow operators to fan and the low-pressure shaft
depending on the engine version. better monitor and maintain their together with the low-pres-
Lufthansa Technik and MTU Aero GTF engine fleets. “What’s dif- sure compressor and actuating
Engines will invest approximately ferent with the ADEM system for low-pressure turbine. This allows
150 million euros by 2020, which the GTF family of engines is the the engine fan to be separated
is when the facility is to be opera- size of the data stream, and the from the low-pressure compres-
tional. An annual capacity of over resulting analysis we can perform sor and turbine, increasing the
400 shop visits of PW1000G- to support our customers,” says efficiency of each of the modules,
series geared turbofans, is being Frank Albert, general manager of which can now rotate at their opti-
planned for, with both JV partners Engine Health and Data Services, mum speeds. The large diameter
having raised their forecast for Pratt & Whitney. “We’re collecting
the number of employees and the significantly more data at different
annual shop visits in the last few times in the flight envelope, such
months of 2017.Pratt & Whitney as at engine start, climb, descent,
has also been investing heav- taxi and engine shut down. With
ily in data analytics to develop this expanded capability, we
tools that proactively monitor the have a broader understanding
health of engines on-wing and of engine performance across
predict future maintenance visits. a wider time period and under
As compared to the engines on different flight conditions. This,
today’s narrow body aircraft, a combined with advanced ana-
GTF engine employs 40 percent lytics capabilities enhances our
more sensors to monitor and con- ability for early detection and
trol engine health and these put notification of performance shifts,
out nearly 4 million data points. enabling proactive and targeted
18 | January/February 2018