Page 26 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018 Online Magazine
P. 26



        Working out to apply Big Data
        and Predictive Analytics to an
        operational airline is not as
        straightforward as it seems.

           Aprajita Anil

                 he aviation industry is changing every day. And
                 that one factor which could have the greatest
                 impact on the ongoing change is digital technol-
        Togies. The results of which are only beginning
        to take shape. The real impact is still years away. Most
        of the airlines across the globe have boarded the dig-
        ital platform through one channel or another. During a
        recent media conversation, when the Air Asia Group Chief
        Executive, Tony Fernandes, was asked about the upcom-
        ing plans for the airline in the year 2018, he was quick to
        sum it up in a single word – “digital”.

        But this is not an exclusive Air Asia story. Digitalisation is transforming commercial aviation as we know it today.
        But going digital is not an end in itself. The journey, which began a few decades ago, has been a success story for
        many and at the same time, a not-so-impressive account for others.

        A                                              “The entire travel      The evolution of the industry from
                                                                               one fare to Segment-of-One has
                 recent survey conducted by
                                                                               taken several years. Starting
                 the Boston Consulting Group
                                                        industry is being
                                                                               from de-regulation of the airlines
                 found that 81 per cent compa-
                                                           affected by
                 nies invested in digitalisation to
                                                       digitalisation. That
                                                                               government required airlines to
        improve operations, while 49 per cent did    dream of essentially      in  1970’s,  before  which  the  US
        so to increase revenue and 52 per cent to       addressing the         charge the same fare to all pas-
        innovate. The question is, which of these    Segment-of-One has        sengers in a city pair, to a time
        investments makes an airline a frontrunner        come true,”          which brought considerable
        and not a follower? The answer, however,                               pricing flexibility. Soon came the
        is not very straightforward. Although most   says Dr. Jochen Kruss, an   Super Saver fares, which was
        of the airlines across the world are digitally   economist, pricing expert   then followed by other variants
        ready, the factor that will help strategise an   and Managing Partner of   of fare rules. The industry fairly
        edge for themselves, lies not in what they  Simon-Kucher & Partners,   quickly evolved from one fare
        invest in, but in how they invest. It is import-      adding           to  26  fares  per  flight.  About  a
        ant for digital innovation to touch every       “There are, of         decade ago, airlines embraced a
        aspect of the airline business, changing       course, massive         new dimension of segmentation
        the airline’s digital strategy into a business   opportunities.        which continues to be explored
        strategy.                                      However, these          even today. It was no longer about
                                                        opportunities          segmenting customers based on
        To be successful, the airline must ensure                              their willingness to pay. Instead
        that its digital investments address cus-    come with several         new ancillary fees represented
        tomer needs, primarily, followed by other      limitations too.”       variations on the product being
        key business objectives.                                               offered  –  check-in  baggage  or

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