Page 27 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018 Online Magazine
P. 27

not, assigned seat or not, window seat or  options,  it  offers  only  new oil” and said he had “been
        an aisle, quiet cabin, extra legroom, etc. It  the   price-product     blown away” by the valuation of
        came down to providing passengers with       combo that are most  digital companies.
        different buying options even with the same  likely to uniquely meet      Over the next two years, the
        base fare.                                   that customer’s needs,  airline will  be  rolling out  Wi-Fi,
           Today there are many more combi-          and presenting the  mobile payments and digital bag-
        nations that passengers can opt for in  information relevant to  gage tags with RFID tracking on
        addition to the base product. Each of  that customer to help  all its flights in stages. Sensors
        these, in effect, represent a more granular  him  make the optimal  will also be deployed to track
        segmentation process. This simply means  choices.                      the behaviour of cabin crew, and
        that ten different passengers on the same                              passengers’ movements to see
        flight, each of whom have paid the same      Data Driven               how processes can be improved.
        amount, may actually be getting completely   Essentially it then boils   Currently, these sensors have
        different products.                          down to Big Data and      been installed on a few aircraft.
                                                     Analytics. Taking a large   It is experimenting with technol-
        Customers-Centric                            amount of disparate,      ogy that might be able to read
                o get the most out of this arrange-  structured and unstruc-   passengers’ faces to determine
                ment, it is important that price and   tured data from various   their feelings, in order to help the
                product are aligned to customer      sources and turning it    cabin-crew provide better service.
        Tneeds. “One of the biggest chal-            into something of real    Using data and machine-learning
        lenge in the aviation industry is the creation   value is generally well   to better understand what pas-
        of high degree of transparency in product    understood, however,      sengers were prepared to pay
        offering in terms of pricing. The low-cost   working out how best to   for baggage fees, the airline is
        carriers are of course fueling this opportu-  apply it to enhance cus-  also looking to tailor the pricing
        nity massively and are making great use of   tomer experience is not   to individuals.
        the situation. But the big question for the   quite as straightforward.
        full-service carriers is – ‘how do we react to   Utilizing the data through   “This year, the focus in
        this?’ Then you have airlines that are cre-  predictive analytics and   Singapore is to embrace Fast
        ating hybrid models, which also have the     through real-time ana-     and Seamless Travel (FAST)”
        ‘how to approach’ question before them,”     lytics is what would set          -- Logan Velaitham
        says Kruss.                                  one airline from another.

        “If you drive digitalisation to its absolute
        extreme, you can create a situation where
        an airline is selling a seat but nothing
        beyond that. Everything else will be tailored
        to the customer’s needs. For example, the
        in-flight entertainment will not be offered,
        however, to watch the blockbuster of your
        choice, you just add in US$10. But there
        is a limit to what the customer will accept.
        At some point the industry will realise that
        it can technically bring in an innovative
        product but the customer will not accept
        it because there will be too much discrep-
        ancy with regards to the price difference,
        considering the same class seating.”

        It is extremely important for airlines to  Low-cost carrier Air Asia  “We  collaborated  with  Changi
        keep in mind that such market segmenta-      is working at pulling out  Airport Group to automate and
        tion needs a very targeted merchandising.  the stops to become a  innovate our check-in and airport
        The concept of Segment-of-One includes  digital airline. Speaking  experience. When you fly out of
        clear understanding of each customer’s  to the media, Fernandes  Changi with us, expect a fully
        needs and instead of presenting generic  described data as “the  automated service with

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