Page 34 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018 Online Magazine
P. 34

2017, leading to an entry into service delay for the aircraft
                                                              from2017 to 2020; which led to 12 order cancellations in
                                                              2016. The Falcon 5X finally made its maiden flight, in July
                                                              2017, powered by an early version of the engine in the fall
                                                              of 2017, Safran experienced issues with the high-pres-
                                                              sure compressor and informed Dassault Aviation of an
                                                              additional delay and new performance shortfall, making
                                                              the 2020 entry into service of the aircraft impossible.
                                                              Dassault received total orders for 41 Falcon jets in 2017
                                                              with three Falcon 5X cancellations and delivered 49 new
                                                              Falcons in the year. The company’s order backlog stood
                                                              as of December 31st, 2017, stood at 52 Falcon (including
                                                              Falcon 5X).

                                                              Deliveries of the newest business aircraft from the
                                                              Brazilian airframer, the Phenom 300E (E for Enhanced)
                                     Global 7000 Interiors    will  commence  in  the  first  quarter  of  2018  and  the
                                                              revamped model of the highly popular light business jet
        Gulfstream                                            will continue its sales success as the most delivered busi-
                he Gulfstream G500 and G600 programmes        ness jet since 2013. The Phenom 300 entered service
                are on-track for customer deliveries to start in   in 2009 and the new Phenom 300E features a totally
                this year and the delivery of the last G450, was   revamped cabin, with Lufthansa Technik providing its
        Tcompleted in January. The G450 entered ser-          nice HD CMS/IFE (Cabin Management System/InFlight
        vice in 2005 and more than 360 were sold. Gulfstream   Entertainment) system. “The Phenom 300E not only ele-
        announced in October 2017, that the G500 and G600     vates the passenger experience with an intelligent design,
        programmes were providing added performance gains     it also improves our customer’s ownership experience
        during flight testing. The G600 can now fly 556 km far-  by driving aircraft value through simple cabin mainte-
        ther, up to a distance of 12,038 kilometers at Mach 0.85,   nance and redesign capabilities,” says Jay Beever, Vice
        while attaining a range of 9,445 km at its high-speed   President, Interior Design, Embraer Executive Jets. The
        cruise of Mach 0.90 (an increase of 556 km). The G500   new Phenom 300E passenger seats feature broader
        can attain a range of 9,630 km, while cruising at Mach   backs, extendable headrests with bolsters and extend-
        0.85, an increase of 370 km. It can fly up to 8,149 km at a   able leg rest. A new upper technology panel along the
        high-speed cruise of Mach 0.90, an increase of 1,111-km.  centreline of the aircraft’s ceiling allows passengers
                                                              access to cabin management controls, interact with
        Dassault Aviation                                     optional inflight entertainment and also view flight infor-
        Dassault Aviation announced the end of the Falcon 5X   mation. The aircraft has a six-occupant range of 3,650 km
        programme in December 2017, following the termination   and has the best pressurization among light jets (6,600
        of the engine contract for Safran’s Silvercrest (which was   ft. maximum cabin altitude). The Phenom 300E features
        originally to be delivered by end of 2013). “There is still a   distinct temperature zones for pilots and passengers, a
        strong market need for a brand new long-range aircraft   wardrobe and refreshment center, voice and data com-
        with a very large cabin,” said Dassault Aviation CEO Eric   munications options, and an entertainment system. The
        Trappier, announcing, “So I have decided to launch a   aircraft also features single-point refuelling, externally
        new Falcon project powered by Pratt & Whitney Canada   serviced lavatory, and an air stair.
        engines, featuring the same cross section as the Falcon
        5X, a range of 5,500 Nm, and scheduled to enter into
        service in 2022.” The Silvercrest engine met recurrent
        technical issues during development and major technical
        issues detected in 2015 and 2016, led Safran to postpone
        engine delivery for Falcon 5X flight tests by the end of

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