Page 38 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018 Online Magazine
P. 38
being a key driver of digital trans- drone, but by using visual pro-
formation. cessing algorithms combined
Software as-a service solutions with enterprise IT systems means
are helping drive new efficiencies the drone can send work orders
into commercial aviation oper- straight to the maintenance crew
ations, particularly for line of as soon as a fault is identified.
business needs such as line main- But challenges remain. Drones
tenance execution and planning. must receive FAA approval for
Previously airlines and MROs have both outdoor and indoor flights -
been concerned about the amount FAA Part 107 requires unmanned
of physical hardware they might aircraft operators to ensure that
need to adopt new technologies, aircraft and controls are fit for safe
but the transformation into a SaaS/ operation prior to any flight.
mobile environment using tablets Regional regulations that
or devices and eliminating the change from country to country
cost of purchasing and managing and state to state must also be
approach- if done too far in on premise technology is prov- considered, as do operational
advance, the benefits of longer ing to be attractive. Cloud-based complications, such as security
usage are lost, but if done too mobile solutions can be rolled out safeguards, communication with
late, unexpected failures can to the workforce with no physical ongoing air traffic and airport
result in unavailable assets and installation required. Consequently, authority approval to make sure
lost revenue. But one of the main airlines can focus on the value they drones are used safely. Despite
challenges facing AI adopters is receive, not the infrastructure these hurdles, there is a growing
that storing and analysing vast they need, removing a barrier to opportunity for the industry as
quantities of data can overwhelm change. the benefits start to outweigh the
IT systems. The next generation challenges in 2018. For example,
of cloud solutions are here to help in the U.S., a new initiative, the
process this data, meaning every- 4. Drones UAS Integration Pilot Program,
thing from predictive maintenance Some of the biggest improvements was announced, aiming to pair
to in-flight performance and the in maintenance techniques can unmanned aircraft operators
real-time aging of the aircraft can be derived simply from engineers with state and local governments
be better tracked and understood. being able to take a closer look at to safely expand cutting-edge
Cloud solutions are a vital tool everyday tasks, such as aircraft unmanned aircraft operations.
in the new aviation IT landscape, inspections. A task that drones will The program will shape a regula-
especially when dealing with revolutionize in 2018. tory framework that balances the
scheduled and unscheduled air- Today, typical visual inspec- benefits of UAS technology while
craft maintenance. Having smarter tions of commercial aircraft can lessening the risks to public safety
assets and mobile devices wire- take up to six hours. Drones have and security.
lessly connected to store data in the potential to cut this time dra-
the cloud removes the need to matically while offering greater
physically store and process data accuracy of checks – freeing up
on-site. As digitalization trans- engineer time, reducing mainte-
forms business models in 2018, the nance costs and improving safety.
application of advanced analytical Initial drone systems have
methods from AI will no longer just already been used to enhance
be good to have – it will soon be visual checks made by engineers.
business critical. Low-cost carrier easyJet has
been trialling drones for known
3. Mobility and the Cloud or unknown fuselage inspections
Airlines aren’t just eyeing the cloud for some time now, and is looking
as an answer to dealing with AI. to fully implement the solution for
Cloud services go hand in hand hail and lightning strike damage in Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition 2019
with mobile solutions, and recent 2018. But developments are now
IFS research of 200 Aviation pro- being made to automate these
fessionals found mobile computing inspections – not replacing engi-
is one of the top five areas identi- neers, but giving them better tools,
fied for investment in 2018. Over ones they can deploy quickly with 2019. 10. 15~20 (Tue~Sun)
30 percent of respondents identi- less planning and training. Workers
fied mobile as would still control the flight of the Seoul Airport
38 | January/February 2018