Page 20 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 20


                                                                                Big Budget Airlines
                                                                                It is estimated that around 4,000 airlines
                                                                                and  other  aircraft  operators  face  the
                                                                                prospect of paying the EU for their carbon
                                                                                emissions.  While  the  emissions  trading
                                                                                market is volatile, AAPA estimates at $25
                                                                                per metric ton, says Herdman. If so, the
                                                                                ETS could cost Asian carriers alone some
                                                                                US$200 million a year. “As traffic grows in
                                                                                Asia, this could go up to $400 million by
                                                                                2020,” adds Herdman.
                                                                                  China is not the only one complaining
                                                                                publicly about ETS. India and Russia have
                                                                                both  been  vociferous  against  the  tax.
                                                                                India has advised its airlines not to give
                                                                                any  emissions  information  nor  hold  any
                                                                                direct  talks  with  EU  and  instead,  direct
                                                                                inquiries to the government. Russia says
                                                                                it will look at limiting Siberia overflights
                                                                                for European airlines in an effort to step
                                                                                up the pressure.
                                                                                  In the U.S, Airlines for America (A4A),
                                                                                the industry trade organization for leading
                                                                                U.S.  airlines  and  affiliates  commended
                                                                                Department  of  Transportation  Secretary
                                                                                Ray LaHood for his support and efforts to
                                                                                overturn the application of the EU ETS to
                                                                                U.S. airlines and aircraft operators.
                                                                                  As  a  result,  23  governments  met  in
                                                                                Moscow  on  Feb  21  and  22  and  adopted
                                                                                the  Joint  Declaration  of  the  Moscow
                                                                                Meeting on Inclusion of the International
                                                                                Civil  Aviation  Organization  (ICAO)  in  the
                                                                                EU-ETS.  This  outlines  the  participants’
                                                                                position  that  the  EU  and  its  Member
                                                                                States  must  cease  application  of  the
                                                                                Directive  2008/101/EC  to  airlines  and
                                                                                aircraft  operators  registered  in  third
                                                                                  It  was  also  decided  to  consider
                                                                                measures  initiating  proceedings  under
                                                                                Article 84 (settlement of disputes) of the
                                                                                Chicago Convention, barring participation
                                                                                of airlines and aircraft operators in the EU
          Biofuel Solution?                                                     ETS. The meeting also looked at whether
          In a recent interview, EU Climate Action Commissioner, Connie Hedegaard   the EU ETS is consistent with the World
          warned about expanding the use of biofuels whilst the EU assesses the   Trade  Organization  (WTO)  Agreements,
          potential damage to the earth’s climate. “Personally, I’ve always been very   and   discussed   imposing   additional
          cautious on biofuels,” she said. “We should take very much care in Europe that   levies  on  EU  carriers  and  operators  as
          we are now not establishing a new industry that we then - after some time -   countermeasure.
          say, wow, that was not so good.”  Nonetheless, she confirmed the EC was not   A4A  President  and  CEO  Nicholas  E.
          backtracking on its commitment to the Renewable Energy Directive to provide   Calio claimed that from a US perspective,
          10% of transport fuels from biofuels and green alternatives by 2020.
                                                                                the  ETS  is  standing  in  the  way  of  a
                                                                                global  framework  at  ICAO  that  will
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