Page 38 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 38


        THAT’S ME

        Bill Rossi is the Regional Sales Director
        for Embraer’s commercial jets product
        line. You can find him anywhere in
        Oceania, Indonesia and Korea meeting
        with airlines and preaching the
        benefits of right-sizing with E-Jets.

        How did you start in the aviation industry?
        “I studied Material Science & Engineering at Lehigh University
        and had my heart set on  the steel industry – but at the time jobs
        in that sector were scarce. Luckily, Pratt & Whitney was hiring. I
        began working at the East Hartford, U.S. facility in 1990 and have
        been in aviation ever since.

        Why did you come to Asia?
        “While at P&W I visited Japan and was impressed by the culture;
        and  at  work  there  was  a  Kaizen  program  led  by  a  Japanese   we were descending - but I can tell you that I was pretty worried!
        consultant. I tried out a few phrases I had picked up during my   On the bright side I discovered that pure oxygen does wonders
        holiday and he apparently said to the plant manager: “That boy   for a headache.
        shows promise…”  A few months later I was offered a position
        on the Samsung Aerospace JV working on the Korean Fighter   How will the Asian aviation industry develop?
        Program. That’s how I ended up in Asia.               “I think the industry here will see a major drive towards innovation
                                                              to improve fuel efficiency, and there will be an increasing role
        What’s the best thing about your job?                 for regional aircraft. Asia is a region which has led the world
        “The best thing about this job is that prior to working at Embraer   in wide-body utilisation; Asian airlines offer a higher standard
        I  gained  experience  with  most    major  aircraft  components  so   of service and consistent profitability that are the envy of other
        it’s  nice  to  sell  the  final  product.  And  working  for  a  Brazilian   carriers.
        company with a history like Embraer it’s hard not to be caught
        up by the optimism and excitement as the country goes through   What’s the biggest advance you’ve seen in the industry?
        an incredible transformation.                         “I think mandatory enhanced ground proximity warning system
                                                              (EGPWS)  installations  in  commercial  aircraft  by  the  FAA  in
        What’s your scariest flying story?                    March 2000 are probably the greatest single safety enhancement
        “I  think  it  was  on  a  flight  to  Taipei  several  years  ago.    I  was   aviation has seen.
        catching  some  sleep  when  I  awoke  to  the  sounds  of  roaring
        engines  and  the  plane  in  a  steep  dive  while  oxygen  masks   What would you say to Orville and Wilbur if you met them?
        dangled around my head.  The cabin pressure valve had failed so   “I’d like to be your aircraft salesman!

             Asia is a region which has led the world in wide-body utilisation;
             Asian airlines offer a higher standard of service and consistent
             profitability that are the envy of other carriers.

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